- logical sum
логическая сумма
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
logical sum — The logical sum of two propositions p, q is their disjunction, p ∨q . The logical sum of two sets is their union … Philosophy dictionary
logical sum — disjunkcija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. disjonction; logical sum vok. Disjunktion, f; logische Summe, f; logische Summenbildung, f rus. дизъюнкция, f; логическая сумма, f pranc. disjonktion, f; somme logique, f ryšiai:… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
logical sum — union (def. 10a). [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
logical sum — union (def. 10a). [1865 70] … Useful english dictionary
Logical effort — The method of logical effort, a term coined by Ivan Sutherland and Robert Sproull in 1991, is a straightforward technique used to estimate delay in a CMOS circuit. Used properly, it can aid in selection of gates for a given function (including… … Wikipedia
Logical spreadsheet — A logical spreadsheet is a spreadsheet in which formulas take the form of logical constraints rather than function definitions.In traditional spreadsheet systems, such as Excel, cells are partitioned into directly specified cells and computed… … Wikipedia
Sum addressed decoder — In CPU design, a Sum Addressed Decoder or Sum Addressed Memory (SAM) Decoder is a method of reducing the latency of the CPU cache access. This is achieved by fusing the address generation sum operation with the decode operation in the cache… … Wikipedia
Cogito ergo sum — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Digit sum — In mathematics, the digit sum of a given integer is the sum of all its digits, (e.g.: the digit sum of 84001 is calculated as 8+4+0+0+1 = 13). Digit sums are most often computed using the decimal representation of the given number, but… … Wikipedia
The Sum of All Fears (film) — Infobox Film name = The Sum of All Fears caption = Theatrical poster for The Sum of All Fears . director = Phil Alden Robinson producer = Mace Neufeld writer = Tom Clancy (novel) Paul Attanasio, Daniel Pyne (screenplay) starring = Ben Affleck… … Wikipedia
List of philosophy topics (I-Q) — II and thou I Ching I Ching I proposition I Thou I Thou relationshipIaIamblichus (philosopher)IbYahya Ibn Adi Yahya Ibn Adi Ibn al Arabi Muhyi al Din Ibn al Arabi Abu Bakr Ibn Bajja Abu Bakr Ibn Bājja Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn as Say igh… … Wikipedia