- log jam
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
log|jam — «LG JAM, LOG », noun, verb, jammed, jam|ming. –n. 1. the act or fact of blocking the downstream movement of logs, causing a jumbled overcrowding of the timber in the river. 2. a deadlock; delay; standstill: »The Yugoslavs might break the logjam… … Useful english dictionary
log jam — noun 1. Jamming that brings floating logs to a standstill 2. Congestion of events, etc, leading to a complete cessation of action (figurative) 3. Such cessation of action, a deadlock, impasse • • • Main Entry: ↑log … Useful english dictionary
log jam — A pile of logs lodged in a river or other stream of water so firmly and extensively as to block the use of the river or stream for the purpose of transportation. Elder v Delcour, 364 Mo 835, 269 SW2d 17, 47 ALR2d 370 … Ballentine's law dictionary
log·jam — /ˈlɑːgˌʤæm/ noun, pl jams [count] 1 : a situation in which a large number of logs floating down a river become tangled with each other so that further movement is not possible 2 : a situation in which no progress seems possible He was called in… … Useful english dictionary
log-jam — … Useful english dictionary
jam — 1. noun /d͡ʒæm/ a) A sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar and allowed to congeal. Often spread on bread or toast or used in jam tarts. I’m in a jam right now. Can you help me out? b) A difficult situation. She was married when we first met… … Wiktionary
jam — jam1 /jam/, v., jammed, jamming, n. v.t. 1. to press, squeeze, or wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces, so that motion or extrication is made difficult or impossible: The ship was jammed between two rocks. 2. to bruise or crush by squeezing:… … Universalium
log — 1. n. & v. n. 1 an unhewn piece of a felled tree, or a similar rough mass of wood, esp. cut for firewood. 2 a a float attached to a line wound on a reel for gauging the speed of a ship. b any other apparatus for the same purpose. 3 a record of… … Useful english dictionary
jam — I n. food made by boiling fruit with sugar 1) to spread jam (on bread) 2) apricot; grape; peach; plum; red raspberry; strawberry jam II n. blockage 1) a log; traffic jam difficult situation 2) (to be) in a jam III v. 1) to jam full 2) (D; tr … Combinatory dictionary
Jam block — Infobox Instrument name=Jam Block names= classification= Hand percussion range= Single note . related= slit drum, temple blocks, Log drums, muyu, wood blockA jam block is a modern, hard plastic version of the more fragile wood block, and is… … Wikipedia
Jam 1575 — Infobox Radio station | name = Jam Radio town = area = Kingston upon Hull branding = slogan = Spread it on your bread, stick it in your ears! airdate = 1983 as URH frequency = formerly 1575 AM KHz,now online format = Student Radio power = N/A… … Wikipedia