- atomic power station
атомная электростанция
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
atomic power station — atominė elektrinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. atomic power plant; atomic power station vok. Atomkraftwerk, n rus. атомная электростанция, f pranc. centrale atomique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
atomic power station — atominė elektrinė statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Elektrinė, elektrai gaminti naudojanti branduolinių reakcijų metu išsiskyrusią energiją. Atominės elektrinės reaktoriuje gaminamas garas suka garo turbiną, o ši – elektros generatorių.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Shippingport Atomic Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture=Shippingport Reactor.jpg Pic des=The Shippingport reactor was the first full scale PWR nuclear power plant in the United States Status=D Utility=Duquesne Light Company Location=Beaver County, Pennsylvania Supplier=… … Wikipedia
Tarapur Atomic Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture = Pic des = Country = India Utility = Nuclear Power Corporation of India LTD. Built = 1962 Start = October 28, 1969 End = Reactor = 4 Reactor MW = 1,400 S Reactor = S Reactor MW = B Reactor = B Reactor MW = E Reactor = E… … Wikipedia
Madras Atomic Power Station — f1 Kernkraftwerk Madras DEC … Deutsch Wikipedia
Narora Atomic Power Station — is located in Bulandshahar District in Uttar Pradesh, India. Description Commercial operation of unit 1 began on January 1, 1991. Unit 2 began commercial operation on July 1, 1992. Each unit has a capacity of 220 MWe.[1] The plant is situated on… … Wikipedia
Narora Atomic Power Station — f1 Kernkraftwerk Narora DEC … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kakrapar Atomic Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture = Pic des = Country = India Utility = Nuclear Power Corporation of India LTD. Built = 1984 Start = May 6, 1993 End = Reactor = 2 Reactor MW = 440 S Reactor = S Reactor MW = B Reactor = B Reactor MW = E Reactor = E Reactor MW … Wikipedia
Madras Atomic Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture = Pic des = Country = India EIGENTÜMER = Nuclear Power Corporation of India LTD. Built = 1970 Start = January 24, 1984 End = Reactor = 2 Reactor MW = 440 S Reactor = S Reactor MW = B Reactor = 1 B Reactor MW = 500 E Reactor =… … Wikipedia
Rajasthan Atomic Power Station — Infobox NPP Picture = Pic des = Country = India Utility = Nuclear Power Corporation of India LTD. Built = 1963 Start = December 16, 1973 End = Reactor = 4 Reactor MW = 740 S Reactor = S Reactor MW = B Reactor = 2 B Reactor MW = 440 P Reactor = 2… … Wikipedia
Rajasthan Atomic Power Station — f1 Kernkraftwerk Rajasthan DEC … Deutsch Wikipedia