- lockage
1) шлюзование2) система шлюзов3) строительство системы шлюзов4) тоннаж судов, проходящих шлюзование5) потери воды при шлюзовании6) высота шлюзования, перепад бьефов при шлюзовании
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Lockage — Lock age, n. 1. Materials for locks in a canal, or the works forming a lock or locks. [1913 Webster] 2. Toll paid for passing the locks of a canal. [1913 Webster] 3. Amount of elevation and descent made by the locks of a canal. [1913 Webster] The … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lockage — [läk′ij] n. 1. a) the act of moving a ship through a lock or locks b) the charge for such a service 2. a system of canal locks … English World dictionary
lockage — /lok ij/, n. 1. the construction, use, or operation of locks, as in a canal or stream. 2. passage through a lock or locks. 3. a toll paid for such passage. [1670 80; LOCK1 + AGE] * * * … Universalium
lockage — lock·age || lÉ‘kɪdÊ’ / lÉ’k n. toll paid to pass through a water gate; passage through a water gate; construction of a water gate … English contemporary dictionary
lockage — noun the construction or use of locks on waterways. ↘the amount of rise and fall of water levels resulting from the use of locks … English new terms dictionary
lockage — lock·age … English syllables
lockage — lock•age [[t]ˈlɒk ɪdʒ[/t]] n. 1) civ the construction, use, or operation of locks, as in a canal or stream 2) a toll paid for passage through a lock … From formal English to slang
lockage — /ˈlɒkɪdʒ/ (say lokij) noun 1. the construction, use, or operation of locks, as in a canal or stream. 2. passage through a lock or locks. 3. toll paid for such passage …
lockage — n. 1 the amount of rise and fall effected by canal locks. 2 a toll for the use of a lock. 3 the construction or use of locks. 4 locks collectively; the aggregate of locks constructed … Useful english dictionary
canals and inland waterways — ▪ waterway Introduction natural or artificial waterways used for navigation, crop irrigation, water supply, or drainage. Despite modern technological advances in air and ground transportation, inland waterways continue to fill a vital … Universalium
History of the Panama Canal — The history of the Panama Canal goes back almost to the earliest explorers of the Americas. The narrow land bridge between North and South America offers a unique opportunity to create a water passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This … Wikipedia