- localizer approach
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Localizer Type Directional Aid — is of a comparable accuracy and use to the Localizer, except that LDA is not aligned with the runway. If the alignment is not greater than 30 degrees, straight in approach minima may be published. Circling minima only are published when alignment … Wikipedia
Localizer — Abbildung der Sendekeulen von Localizer und Glideslopes Das Instrumentenlandesystem (engl. instrument landing system, ILS) ist ein bodenbasiertes System, das den Piloten eines Flugzeuges bei Anflug und Landung mittels zweier Leitstrahlen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Localizer — A localizer is one component of an Instrument Landing System (ILS). The localizer provides runway centerline guidance to aircraft. In some cases a localizer is at an angle to the runway usually due to obstructions around the airport. It is then… … Wikipedia
localizer — An element in the instrument landing system (ILS) located approximately 1000 ft (300 m) beyond the upwind end of the runway and generally in line with the centerline. It indicates the extended centerline of the runway and the approach path onto… … Aviation dictionary
localizer-type directional aid — A NAVAID (navigational aid) used for nonprecision instrument approaches with utility and accuracy comparable to a localizer but which is not a part of a complete ILS (instrument landing system) and is not aligned with the runway. The LDA course… … Aviation dictionary
localizer — A directional radio beacon which provides to an aircraft an indication of its lateral position relative to a predetermined final approach course. See also instrument landing system … Military dictionary
Instrument approach — Terminal procedures for an ILS approach in the United States. (The disclaimers shown in red in the illustration do not appear on the original approach plate.) For aircraft operating under instrument flight rules (IFR), an instrument approach or… … Wikipedia
nonprecision approach — A radar controlled approach or an approach flown by reference to navigational aids, in which electronic glide slope information is not available. Examples are VOR (very high frequency omnidirectional radio range), TACAN (tactical air navigation) … Aviation dictionary
Final approach (aviation) — A final approach is the last leg in an aircraft s approach to landing. In aviation radio terminology, it is often abbreviated to on final .In a standard airport landing pattern, aircraft turn from base leg to final within one to two miles of the… … Wikipedia
initial approach segment — The segment of an instrument approach procedure between the initial approach fix and the intermediate approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach fix or point (ICAO). In the initial approach, the aircraft has departed the en route… … Aviation dictionary
final approach segment — The segment of an instrument approach procedure in which the alignment and descent for landing are accomplished (ICAO). It begins at the final approach fix and ends at the missed approach point. The final approach can be to a runway for a… … Aviation dictionary