local intercomparison

local intercomparison
внутреннее (внутрилабораторное) сличение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "local intercomparison" в других словарях:

  • Global climate model — AGCM redirects here. For Italian competition regulator, see Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato. Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry. To “run” a model,… …   Wikipedia

  • Radiocarbon dating — (sometimes simply known as carbon dating) is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon 14 (14C) to estimate the age of carbon bearing materials up to about 58,000 to 62,000 years.[1] Raw, i.e. uncalibrated …   Wikipedia

  • Jagdish Shukla — Jagdish Shukla(born 1944) is an Indian meteorologist and Distinguished University Professor at George Mason University in the United States.Early yearsDr. Shukla was born in 1944 in a small village (Mirdha) in the Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh …   Wikipedia

  • Kilimanjaro — Para otros usos de este término, véase Kilimanjaro (desambiguación). Kilimanjaro Imagen del Kibo (5892 m), en diciembre de 2006 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Climate model — This article is about the theories and mathematics of climate modeling. For computer driven prediction of Earth s climate, see Global climate model. Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid… …   Wikipedia

  • Modelo climático avanzado — Los modelos climáticos usan métodos de investigación cuantitativa para simular las interacciones de la atmósfera terrestre, los océanos, el relieve terrestre, y el hielo. Se utilizan para el estudio de la dinámica del sistema meteorológico y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Andrew Pitman — is an atmospheric scientist who was born in Bristol in 1964 and educated at Liverpool University (B.Sc. Hons and Ph.D.). He holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership (Higher Education) from Macquarie University. In 2002 became a… …   Wikipedia

  • Mont Kenya — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Kenya (homonymie). Mont Kenya Soleil levant sur le mont Kenya. Géogr …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Index of climate change articles — This is a list of climate change topics. Main article: Climate change Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W …   Wikipedia

  • GÉODÉSIE — La géodésie (du grec 塚兀, la terre ; 嗀見晴﨎晴益, diviser) s’est développée à partir des méthodes d’arpentage, nécessaires pour la délimitation précise des propriétés rurales, dès la plus haute antiquité. La compétence des opérateurs s’est… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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