- load duty
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Load regulation — is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in load [cite web|title=Line and Load Regulation for Programmable DC Power Supplies and Precision DC Sources Developer… … Wikipedia
duty — [n1] responsibility, assignment burden, business, calling, charge, chore, commission, commitment, committal, contract, devoir, dues, engagement, function, hook*, job, load, millstone*, minding the store*, mission, must, need, obligation,… … New thesaurus
load — [n1] cargo, freight amount, bale, bundle, capacity, charge, consignment, contents, encumbrance, goods, haul, heft, hindrance, lading, mass, pack, parcel, part, payload, shipment, shot, weight; concepts 338,432 load [n2] burden, pressure… … New thesaurus
Load control — One approach many electrical utilities have taken to ensure the electrical load is less than what can be generated is to exercise some form of load control. In this case, certain applications are identified as “deferrable” to run later in the day … Wikipedia
duty — Synonyms and related words: Mass, VAT, accountability, active service, ad valorem duty, admiration, adoration, alcohol tax, allegiance, amenability, amusement tax, answerability, apotheosis, appreciation, approbation, approval, assessment,… … Moby Thesaurus
load — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. burden; cargo, lading, shipment; charge. See gravity, transportation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A physical burden] Syn. weight, encumbrance, carload, wagonload, hindrance, shipload, parcel, pressure,… … English dictionary for students
load — 1. noun 1) he has a load to deliver Syn: cargo, freight, a consignment, a delivery, a shipment, goods, merchandise; a pack, a bundle, a parcel; a truckload, a shipload, a boatload, a vanload 2) informal … Thesaurus of popular words
load — 1. noun 1) MacDowell s got a load to deliver Syn: cargo, freight, consignment, delivery, shipment, goods, pack, bundle, parcel 2) a heavy teaching load Syn: commitment, respon … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
load — n 1. contents, merchandise, goods, stuff; burden, charge, weight; boatload, shipload, Chiefly U.S. carload, wagonload, truckload; lading, U.S. and Canada. freight, freightage, haul. 2. burden, weight, onus, cross, millstone, albatross; duty,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
load — Synonyms and related words: abundance, acres, adulterate, affliction, albatross, anxiety, bag, baggage, bags, bale, barrel, barrels, bear, bear hard upon, bellyful, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, blast, bottle, box, brim,… … Moby Thesaurus
load dispatcher — noun : a worker whose duty is seeing that the demand on a utility system (as for gas, electricity, or water) is continuously supplied … Useful english dictionary