- atmospheric vacuum distillation
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Vacuum distillation — At atmospheric pressure, dimethyl sulfoxide boils at 189°C. Under a vacuum, it distills off into the connected receiver at only 70°C. Vacuum distillation is a method of distillation whereby the pressure above the liquid mixture to be distilled is … Wikipedia
vacuum distillation unit — abbr. VDU The Vacuum Distillation Unit takes the residuum from the ADU (atmospheric distillation unit) and separates the heavier end products such as vacuum gas oil, vacuum distillate, slop wax, and residue … Petroleum refining glossary
vacuum distillation — distillation under reduced pressure to avoid the decomposition which might occur at atmospheric pressure … Medical dictionary
Vacuum distillation — Distillation under reduced pressure (less the atmospheric) which lowers the boiling temperature of the liquid being distilled. This technique with its relatively low temperatures prevents cracking or decomposition of the charge stock. U.S.… … Energy terms
vacuum distillation — noun : distillation carried on under reduced pressure so that the liquid being distilled boils at a lower temperature than under atmospheric pressure and consequently with less chance of decomposition compare molecular distillation … Useful english dictionary
Distillation — Distiller and Distillery redirect here. For other uses, see Distiller (disambiguation) and Distillery (disambiguation). For other uses, see Distillation (disambiguation). Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A heating device 2: Still pot 3:… … Wikipedia
distillation — distillatory /di stil euh tawr ee, tohr ee/, distillative /di stil euh tiv/, adj. /dis tl ay sheuhn/, n. 1. the volatilization or evaporation and subsequent condensation of a liquid, as when water is boiled in a retort and the steam is condensed… … Universalium
atmospheric distillation unit — abbr. ADU The Atmospheric Distillation Unit separates most of the lighter end products such as gas, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, and gas oil from the crude oil. The bottoms of the ADU is then sent to the VDU (vacuum distillation unit) … Petroleum refining glossary
vacuum — I. noun (plural vacuums or vacua) Etymology: Latin, from neuter of vacuus empty, from vacare to be empty Date: 1550 1. emptiness of space 2. a. a space absolutely devoid of matter b. a space partially exhausted (as to the highest degree possible) … New Collegiate Dictionary
distillation — 1. The general process of vaporizing liquids, crude oil, or one of its fractions in a closed vessel, collecting and condensing the vapors into liquids. Commercial forms of distillation in petroleum refining are crude, atmospheric, vacuum, rerun,… … Petroleum refining glossary
vacuum — An empty space, one practically exhausted of air or gas. [L. ntr. of vacuus, empty] * * * vac·u·um vak (.)yüm, yu̇ əm, yəm n, pl vac·u·ums or vac·ua yə wə 1) emptiness of space 2 a) a space absolutely devoid of matter b) a space partially… … Medical dictionary