- list edge
облой (наплыв) (олова или цинка) у кромок листа
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
List edge-coloring — In mathematics, list edge coloring is a type of graph coloring.More precisely, a list edge coloring is a choice function that maps every edge to a color from a prescribed list for that edge.A graph is k edge choosable if it has a proper list edge … Wikipedia
Edge coloring — A 3 edge coloring of the Desargues graph. In graph theory, an edge coloring of a graph is an assignment of “colors” to the edges of the graph so that no two adjacent edges have the same color. For example, the figure to the right shows an edge… … Wikipedia
List of graph theory topics — This is a list of graph theory topics, by Wikipedia page. See glossary of graph theory for basic terminology Contents 1 Examples and types of graphs 2 Graph coloring 3 Paths and cycles 4 … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (L) — NOTOC L L (complexity) L BFGS L² cohomology L function L game L notation L system L theory L Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l Intelligence des Lignes Courbes L Hôpital s rule L(R) La Géométrie Labeled graph Labelled enumeration theorem Lack… … Wikipedia
List coloring — In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, list coloring is a type of graph coloring where each vertex can be restricted to a list of allowed colors, first studied by Vizing [1] and by Erdős, Rubin, and Taylor.[2][3][4] … Wikipedia
List of awards and nominations received by the Degrassi franchise — List of Degrassi awards Award Wins Nominations American Children s Television Festival 1 0 Awards of Excellence Ga … Wikipedia
list — list1 [list] n. [ME liste, merging < OE, a hem, border & Anglo Fr < OFr < Gmc * lista, akin to Ger leiste < IE base * leizd , edge, border > L lira, line, furrow, Alb leth, the raised border of a plot of ground, wall] 1. Obs. a… … English World dictionary
List of radio stations in Australia — List of Australian radio stations. A list of radio stations that broadcast in Australia.The first digit of the callsign represents the state or territory: 1 ACT, 2 NSW ACT, 3 VIC, 4 QLD, 5 SA, 6 WA, 7 TAS, 8 NT. Australian Capital Territory (ACT) … Wikipedia
List of teetotalers — List of well known people who are now teetotal or were during their lifetime. Note that some have abstained their entire lives, but others have only abstained after prolonged alcohol use.List of well known teetotalersA to E*John Bodkin Adams,… … Wikipedia
List — List, n. [AS. l[=i]st a list of cloth; akin to D. lijst, G. leiste, OHG. l[=i]sta, Icel. lista, listi, Sw. list, Dan. liste. In sense 5 from F. liste, of German origin, and thus ultimately the same word.] 1. A strip forming the woven border or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
List of role-playing video games: 1974 to 1985 — Part of a series on … Wikipedia