liquid lens

liquid lens
жидкостная линза

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "liquid lens" в других словарях:

  • Lens (anatomy) — Crystalline lens (anatomy) Light from a single point of a distant object and light from a single point of a near object being brought to a focus by changing the curvature of the lens …   Wikipedia

  • Contact lens — Contacts redirects here. For the software application, see Address book. A pair of contact lenses, positioned with the concave side facing upward …   Wikipedia

  • Single-lens reflex camera — The single lens reflex (SLR) camera uses an automatic moving mirror system which permits the photographer to see exactly what will be captured by the film or digital imaging system, as opposed to non SLR cameras where the view through the… …   Wikipedia

  • History of the single-lens reflex camera — The history of the single lens reflex camera predates the invention of photography in 1826/27 by one and a half centuries with the use of a reflex mirror in a camera obscura first described in 1676. Such SLR devices were popular as drawing aids… …   Wikipedia

  • Scleral lens — A scleral lens is a large type of contact lens that rests on the sclera and creates a tear filled vault over the cornea. Scleral lenses are designed to treat a variety of eye conditions which do not respond to other forms of treatment.… …   Wikipedia

  • oil-immersion lens — n an objective lens designed to work with a drop of liquid (as oil or water) between the lens and cover glass called also immersion lens, immersion objective, oil immersion objective …   Medical dictionary

  • Immersion lens — Immersion Im*mer sion, n. [L. immersio; cf. F. immersion.] 1. The act of immersing, or the state of being immersed; a sinking within a fluid; a dipping; as, the immersion of Achilles in the Styx. [1913 Webster] 2. Submersion in water for the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • immersion lens — noun or immersion objective : an objective of short focal distance designed to work with a drop of liquid (as oil or water) between front lens and cover glass * * * immersion lens noun A microscope object glass that works with a drop of oil or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • contact lens corneal — a contact lens that rests on the cornea, not on the sclera, and requires no auxiliary liquid; called also corneal l …   Medical dictionary

  • contact lens scleral — a contact lens that covers the cornea and rests on the sclera, with or without an auxiliary liquid between it and the cornea …   Medical dictionary

  • lente líquida — Eng. Liquid lens Diferencia entre la refracción obtenida con una lente de contacto y la corrección con gafas que viene determinada por la distancia frontal posterior …   Diccionario de oftalmología

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