- atmospheric forcing
атмосферные воздействия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Atmospheric radiative transfer codes — calculate radiative transfer of electromagnetic radiation through Earth s atmosphere.Radiative transfer codes are used in broad range of applications related to predictions. For example, climate modeling use simplified version of atmospheric… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric convection — Conditions favorable for thunderstorm types and complexes Atmospheric convection is the result of a parcel environment instability, or temperature difference, layer in the atmosphere. Different lapse rates within dry and moist air lead to… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric wave — An atmospheric wave is a periodic disturbance in the fields of atmospheric variables (like surface pressure or geopotential height, temperature, or wind velocity) which may either propagate ( traveling wave ) or not ( stationary wave ).… … Wikipedia
Radiative forcing — In climate science, radiative forcing is generally defined as the change in net irradiance between different layers of the atmosphere. Typically, radiative forcing is quantified at the tropopause in units of watts per square meter. A positive… … Wikipedia
Cloud forcing — (sometimes described as cloud radiative forcing) is, in meteorology, the difference between the radiation budget components for average cloud conditions and cloud free conditions. Much of the interest in cloud forcing relates to its role as a… … Wikipedia
List of atmospheric radiative transfer codes — this article contains list of atmospheric radiative transfer codes and their applications.ClassificationThe compilation contains information about the atmospheric radiative transfer, relevant databases, and atmospheric radiation parameterizations … Wikipedia
Orbital forcing — is the effect on climate of slow changes in the tilt of the Earth s axis and shape of the orbit (see Milankovitch cycles). These orbital changes change the total amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by up to 25% at mid latitudes (from 400 to 500 … Wikipedia
DPHM-RS — (Semi Distributed Physically based Hydrologic Model using Remote Sensing and GIS) is a semi distributed hydrologic model developed at University of Alberta, Canada. Model Description The semi distributed DPHM RS (Semi Distributed Physically based … Wikipedia
ionosphere and magnetosphere — ▪ atmospheric science Introduction regions of Earth s (Earth) atmosphere in which the number of electrically charged particles ions (ion) and electrons (electron) are large enough to affect the propagation of radio waves (electromagnetic… … Universalium
global warming — an increase in the earth s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. [1975 80] * * * Potential increase in global average surface temperatures resulting from… … Universalium
Attribution of recent climate change — Further information: Global warming, Climate change, and Climate change denial Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically ascertain mechanisms responsible for recent changes observed in the Earth s climate … Wikipedia