- linter
1) мн. ч. линт, хлопковый пух2) текст., пищ. линтоотделитель, пухоотделитель
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Linter — Stadt Limburg an der Lahn Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Linter — Linter Géolocalisation sur la carte : Belgique … Wikipédia en Français
linter — [ lintɛr ] n. m. • 1948; linters 1937; mot angl. amér., de lint « fibre » ♦ Anglic. Techn. Duvet de fibres très courtes attaché aux graines de coton après l égrenage. Le linter est utilisé dans la fabrication du fulmicoton et des vernis. linter… … Encyclopédie Universelle
linter — linter; de·linter; … English syllables
linter — lìnter m DEFINICIJA kem. vrlo kratko vlakno koje se skida sa sjemena pamučike, koristi se za proizvodnju eksploziva i lakova ETIMOLOGIJA amer.engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
linter — ☆ linter [lin′tər ] n. 1. a machine for removing the short, fuzzy fibers which remain stuck to cotton seeds after ginning 2. [pl.] these fibers, used in making cotton batting, guncotton, etc … English World dictionary
Linter — See Linter SQL RDBMS for the database system, and Linter Group for the Australian textiles company. Infobox Belgium Municipality name=Linter picture= picture map arms=Wapen Linter.gif region=BE REG FLE community=BE NL province=BE PROV VB… … Wikipedia
Linter SQL RDBMS — is the main product of Relex. Relex Linter was based on a design created by now Relex engineers over 15 years ago.Linter is a cross platform system which operates on Win32 (including WinCE), NetWare, various versions of Unix, OS9, QNX, and… … Wikipedia
Linter (Belgien) — Linter … Deutsch Wikipedia
linter — noun Date: circa 1889 1. a machine for removing linters 2. plural the fuzz of short fibers that adheres to cottonseed after ginning … New Collegiate Dictionary
linter — /lin teuhr/, n. 1. linters, short cotton fibers that stick to seeds after a first ginning. 2. a machine for removing lint from cloth. [1730 40, Amer.; LINT + ER1] * * * … Universalium