- lintel
перемычка (над проёмом)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Lintel — ist der Name einiger Ortsteile von deutschen Städten und Gemeinden: ein Ortsteil der Stadt Rheda Wiedenbrück im Kreis Gütersloh, siehe Lintel (Rheda Wiedenbrück) ein Ortsteil der Stadt Norden im Landkreis Aurich, siehe Lintel (Norden) ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lintel — Lin tel (l[i^]n t[e^]l), n. [OF. lintel, F. linteau, LL. lintellus, for limitellus, a dim. fr. L. limes limit. See {Limit}.] (Arch.) A horizontal member spanning an opening, and carrying the superincumbent weight by means of its strength in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lintel — (n.) early 14c., from O.Fr. lintel threshold (13c., Mod.Fr. linteau), of uncertain origin, probably a variant of lintier, from V.L. *limitaris threshold, from L. limitaris (adj.) that is on the border, from limes (gen. limitis) border, boundary… … Etymology dictionary
lintel — [lin′təl] n. [OFr < VL * limitellus, for limitaris, altered (by assoc. with L limes, gen. limitis, border, frontier < L liminaris, of a threshold or lintel < limen: see LIMEN] the horizontal crosspiece over an opening, as a door, window … English World dictionary
lintel — s. m. 1. Dintel. 2. Padieira. 3. Verga de portas e janelas. • Plural: lintéis … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
lintel — (Del lat. *limitellus). m. Lindel o dintel de puertas y ventanas … Diccionario de la lengua española
lintel — ► NOUN ▪ a horizontal support across the top of a door or window. DERIVATIVES lintelled (US linteled) adjective. ORIGIN Old French, from Latin limen threshold … English terms dictionary
lintel — (Del fr. lintel.) ► sustantivo masculino CONSTRUCCIÓN Dintel de puertas o ventanas. TAMBIÉN lindel * * * lintel (del sup. lat. «limitellus») m. *Dintel. * * * lintel. (Del lat. *limitellus). m. Lindel o dintel de puertas y ventanas. * * * ►… … Enciclopedia Universal
lintel — [14] Lintel is the result of the blending of two Latin words: līmes ‘boundary’ (source of English limit) and līmen ‘threshold’ (source of English subliminal and possibly also of sublime). Līmen had a derived adjective, līmināris ‘of a threshold’ … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
lintel — UK [ˈlɪnt(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms lintel : singular lintel plural lintels a piece of stone or wood that supports the wall above a door or window … English dictionary
lintel — lin•tel art at lipycyte [[t]ˈlɪn tl[/t]] n. brit. archit. a horizontal architectural member supporting the weight above an opening, as a window or a door • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME lyntel < MF lintel, dissimilated var. of *linter < L… … From formal English to slang