- link equation
энергетическое уравнение линии связи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Link budget — A link budget is the accounting of all of the gains and losses from the transmitter, through the medium (free space, cable, waveguide, fiber, etc.) to the receiver in a telecommunication system. It accounts for the attenuation of the transmitted… … Wikipedia
Equation of time — The equation of time is the difference over the course of a year between time as read from a sundial and time as read from a clock, measured in an ideal situation (ie. in a location at the centre of a time zone, and which does not use daylight… … Wikipedia
Degasperis-Procesi equation — In mathematical physics, the Degasperis Procesi equation: displaystyle u t u {xxt} + 2kappa u x + 4u u x = 3 u x u {xx} + u u {xxx}is one of only two exactly solvable equations in the following family of third order, non linear, dispersive… … Wikipedia
Hunter–Saxton equation — In mathematical physics, the Hunter–Saxton equationHunter Saxton 1991] :(u t + u u x) x = frac{1}{2} , u x^2is an integrable PDE that arises in the theoretical study of nematic liquid crystals. If the molecules in the liquid crystal are initially … Wikipedia
Dirac equation — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) … Wikipedia
Churchill-Bernstein Equation — In convective heat transfer, the Churchill Bernstein equation is used to estimate the surface averaged Nusselt number for a cylinder in cross flow at various velocities. [Some examples of said system can be seen here: Cite web | publisher =… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic wave equation — The electromagnetic wave equation is a second order partial differential equation that describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a medium or in a vacuum. The homogeneous form of the equation, written in terms of either the… … Wikipedia
Gibbs-Duhem equation — The Gibbs Duhem equation in thermodynamics describes the relationship between changes in chemical potential for components in a thermodynamical system [ A to Z of Thermodynamics Pierre Perrot ISBN 0198565569] : : sum {i=1}^I N imathrm{d}mu i =… … Wikipedia
Mayo–Lewis equation — The Mayo Lewis equation or copolymer equation in polymer chemistry describes the distribution of monomers in a copolymer [1]: Taking into consideration a monomer mix of two components and and the four different reactions that can take place at… … Wikipedia
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation — The Gibbs–Helmholtz equation is a thermodynamic equation useful for calculating changes in the Gibbs energy of a system as a function of temperature. It is named after Josiah Willard Gibbs and Hermann von Helmholtz::left( frac{partial ( frac{G}… … Wikipedia
Mayo-Lewis equation — The Mayo Lewis equation or copolymer equation in polymer chemistry describes the distribution of monomers in a copolymer [ Copolymerization. I. A Basis for Comparing the Behavior of Monomers in Copolymerization; The Copolymerization of Styrene… … Wikipedia