- line scan
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Line-Scan — Rastertunnelmikroskop Das Rastertunnelmikroskop (abgekürzt RTM, oder STM von englisch scanning tunneling microscope) ist ein Mikroskop, das in der Oberflächenphysik und Oberflächenchemie eingesetzt wird, um die Oberfläche einer Probe abzubilden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Scan — may refer to: *Scan, the act of examining sequentially, part by part *Image scanning, in data processing, the act of optically analyzing a two or three dimensional image and digitally encode it (digitize it) for storage in a computer file *Scan,… … Wikipedia
Scan-based trading — (SBT) or Scan based trading is the process where suppliers maintain ownership of inventory within retailers warehouses or stores until items are scanned at the point of sale. HistoryTraditionally Scan Based Trading programs use Electronic Data… … Wikipedia
Scan conversion — or scan rate converting is a technique for changing the vertical / horizontal scan frequency of video signal for different purposes and applications.The device which performs this conversion is called scan converter.The application of scan… … Wikipedia
Scan-Line Interleave — (SLI) from 3dfx is a method for linking two (or more) video cards or chips together to produce a single output. It is an application of parallel processing for computer graphics, meant to increase the processing power available for graphics. SLI… … Wikipedia
Scan Line — [engl.], Bildzeile … Universal-Lexikon
Scan Line Interleave — [Abk. SLI, dt. »Abtastzeilenüberlappung«, ähnlich »Bildzeilenversatz«], Verfahren, bei dem zwei Grafikkarten kooperieren und gemeinsam ein Bild berechnen. Eine Karte erzeugt die geraden Zeilen, die andere die ungeraden. Dieses Verfahren… … Universal-Lexikon
scan — ► VERB (scanned, scanning) 1) look at quickly in order to identify relevant features or information. 2) traverse with a detector or an electromagnetic beam, especially to obtain an image. 3) convert (a document or picture) into digital form for… … English terms dictionary
infrared line-scan system — A passive airborne infrared scanning system that scans the ground along the flight path and produces a high resolution film map of the terrain. The picture shows the relative temperature of all objects on the ground below the aircraft. The system … Aviation dictionary
Scan line — A scan line is one line, or row, in a raster scanning pattern, such as a video line on a cathode ray tube (CRT) display of a television or computer. On older CRT screens the horizontal scan lines were visually discernible, even when viewed from a … Wikipedia
Scan Line Interleave — Schema der Funktionsweise Scan Line Interleave (SLI) ist ein in der 3D Computergrafik eingesetztes Verfahren zur Lastverteilung der Rechenarbeit auf mehrere Grafikchips. Ursprünglich wurde dieses Verfahren ab 1996 von 3dfx zur Leistungssteigerung … Deutsch Wikipedia