- line printing
построчная печать
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Line Printing Terminal — Port parallèle Port parallèle pour imprimante (format DB 25) au dos d un ordinateur portable Le Port parallèle associé à l interface parallèle Centronics (à l’origine : LPT pour Line Printing Terminal) est un connecteur situé à l arrière des … Wikipédia en Français
fine-line printing — tikslioji litografija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fine line lithography; fine line printing; fine pattern printing vok. Drucken feiner Leiterzüge, n; Mikrostrukturlithografie, f rus. прецизионная литография, f pranc.… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
fine-line printing — tikslusis spausdinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fine line printing vok. Präzisionsdruck, m rus. прецизионная печать, f pranc. impression de précision, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Line-by-line printing — Построчное печатание … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Line Printing Terminal — IEEE 1284 Druckerkabel (Typ AB) Der veraltende IEEE 1284 Standard definiert eine parallele Schnittstelle zur bidirektionalen Übertragung von Daten zwischen PCs und unterschiedlichen Peripheriegeräten (Drucker, Fax, Scanner, Laufwerke etc.). Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Line (printing) plate — Штриховая печатная форма; штриховое клише … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Printing — is a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press. It is often carried out as a large scale industrial process, and is an essential part of publishing and transaction printing.HistoryWoodblock… … Wikipedia
line printer — line .printer n a machine that prints information from a computer at a very high speed >line printing n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
Line printer — IBM 1403 line printer, the classic line printer of the mainframe era. The line printer is a form of high speed impact printer in which one line of type is printed at a time. They are mostly associated with the early days of computing, but the… … Wikipedia
line printer — noun (C) a machine that prints information from a computer at a very high speed line printing noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Line Printer Daemon protocol — (aussi connu sous le nom de Line Printer Remote protocol ou de Berkeley printing system, abrégé en LPD/LPR) désigne un protocole d impression communément utilisé sur les systèmes de type UNIX, bien que CUPS soit aujourd hui plus répandu. Le… … Wikipédia en Français