line frequency

line frequency
1) частота напряжения сети питания
2) частота строк

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "line frequency" в других словарях:

  • line frequency — eilučių dažnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. horizontal frequency; line frequency vok. Horizontalfrequenz, f; Zeilenfrequenz, f rus. частота строк, f; частота строчной развёртки, f pranc. fréquence de ligne, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • line frequency divider — eilučių dažnio dalytuvas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. horizontal frequency divider; line frequency divider vok. Zeilenfrequenzteiler, m rus. строчный делитель частоты, m pranc. diviseur de fréquence de ligne, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • line frequency — noun : the number of lines scanned per second by the sawtooth wave of current used in television for horizontal scanning with an electron beam compare frame frequency …   Useful english dictionary

  • straight-line frequency condenser — noun : a variable condenser used in a tuned radio circuit in which a given change of setting of the movable plates corresponds to the same change of frequency for all settings …   Useful english dictionary

  • Frequency extender — In broadcast engineering, a frequency extender is an electronic device that allows high fidelity analogue audio to be sent over regular POTS telephone lines, without the loss of higher audio frequencies (treble). It is an extended concept of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency domain sensor — Frequency domain (FD) sensor is an instrument developed for measuring soil moisture content. The instrument has an oscillating circuit, the sensing part of the sensor is embedded in the soil, and the operating frequency will depend on the value… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency — Título Desafío al tiempo (Hispanoamérica) Frequency (España) Ficha técnica Dirección Gregory Hoblit Producción Gregor …   Wikipedia Español

  • Line-of-sight propagation — refers to electro magnetic radiation including light emissions traveling in a straight line. The rays or waves are diffracted, refracted, reflected, or absorbed by atmosphere and obstructions with material and generally cannot travel over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency Scanning Interferometry — (FSI) is an absolute distance measurement technique, for measuring the distance between a pair of points, along a line of sight. The power of the FSI technique lies in its ability to make many such distance measurements, simultaneously. For each… …   Wikipedia

  • Frequency-division multiplexing — (FDM) is a form of signal multiplexing where multiple baseband signals are modulated on different frequency carrier waves and added together to create a composite signal. Non telephoneFDM can also be used to combine multiple signals before final… …   Wikipedia

  • Line spectral pairs — (LSP) or Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) are used to represent Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC) for transmission over a channel. LSPs have several properties (e.g. smaller sensitivity to quantisation noise) that make them superior to direct… …   Wikipedia

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