- likelihood ratio
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Likelihood ratio — Cet article peut être partiellement redondant avec Fonction de vraisemblance. Le likelihood ratio est le rapport entre la proportion de personnes souffrant d une maladie qui obtiennent lors un test de dépistage un résultat déterminé (p.e. positif … Wikipédia en Français
Likelihood ratio — Der Likelihood Quotienten Test oder Likelihood Ratio Test ist ein statistischer Test, der zu den typischen Hypothesentests in parametrischen Modellen gehört. Viele klassische Tests wie der F Test für den Varianzenquotienten oder der Zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Likelihood-ratio test — The likelihood ratio, often denoted by Lambda (the capital Greek letter lambda), is the ratio of the maximum probability of a result under two different hypotheses. A likelihood ratio test is a statistical test for making a decision between two… … Wikipedia
Likelihood-Ratio-Test — Der Likelihood Quotienten Test oder Likelihood Ratio Test ist ein statistischer Test, der zu den typischen Hypothesentests in parametrischen Modellen gehört. Viele klassische Tests wie der F Test für den Varianzenquotienten oder der Zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
likelihood ratio — 1. an index of diagnostic marker tests, the odds of a disease given a specified test value relative to the odds of the disease in the study population. It can be calculated for either a positive or a negative test, the former (LR+) being the… … Medical dictionary
likelihood ratio test — in statistics, a test using the ratio of the maximum value of the likelihood function from one statistical model to that from another model, a smaller ratio indicating a stronger relationship between the variables … Medical dictionary
likelihood ratio — The probability of a random drawing of a specified sample from a population, assuming a given hypothesis about the parameters of the population, divided by the probability of a random drawing of the same sample, assuming that the parameters of … Forensic science glossary
Monotone likelihood ratio — A monotonic likelihood ratio in distributions f(x) and g(x) The ratio of the density functions above is increasing in the parameter x, so f(x)/g(x) satisfies the monotone likelihood ratio property. In statistics, the monoto … Wikipedia
Monotone likelihood ratio property — is a property of a family of probability distributions described by their probability density functions (PDFs). A family of density functions { f heta (x)} { hetain Theta} indexed by a parameter heta taking values in a set Theta is said to have… … Wikipedia
Likelihood function — In statistics, a likelihood function (often simply the likelihood) is a function of the parameters of a statistical model, defined as follows: the likelihood of a set of parameter values given some observed outcomes is equal to the probability of … Wikipedia
Likelihood-Quotienten-Test — Der Likelihood Quotienten Test oder Likelihood Ratio Test ist ein statistischer Test, der zu den typischen Hypothesentests in parametrischen Modellen gehört. Viele klassische Tests wie der F Test für den Varianzenquotienten oder der Zwei… … Deutsch Wikipedia