- light microscopy
оптическая [световая\] микроскопия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
light microscopy — In contrast to electron microscopy. See bright field, phase contrast, interference, interference contrast, interference reflection, dark field, confocal and fluorescence microscopy … Dictionary of molecular biology
light microscopy — use of light microscopes to view tiny objects; act of viewing tiny objects through a microscope that uses light to magnify and illuminate the objects … English contemporary dictionary
polarized light microscopy — noun The method of examining thin, transparent materials, esp from rock, using polarized light to reveal birefringence • • • Main Entry: ↑polar … Useful english dictionary
Microscopy — is the technical field of using microscopes to view samples and objects that cannot be seen with the unaided eye (objects that are not within the resolution range of the normal eye). There are three well known branches of microscopy, optical,… … Wikipedia
light microscope — n an ordinary microscope that uses light as distinguished from an electron microscope light microscopy n, pl pies * * * a microscope in which the specimen is viewed under visible light … Medical dictionary
Microscopy, electron (EM) — Microscopy in which an electron beam replaces light to form the image. EM has its pluses (greater magnification and resolution than optical microscopes) and minuses (you are not really seeing objects, but rather you are looking at their electron… … Medical dictionary
Microscopy — The examination of minute objects by means of a microscope, an instrument which provides an enlarged image of an object not visible with the naked eye. Aside from the usual microscopy, there are various special types of microscopy including, for… … Medical dictionary
Light field — The light field is a function that describes the amount of light traveling in every direction through every point in space. Michael Faraday was the first to propose (in an 1846 lecture entitled Thoughts on Ray Vibrations ) that light should be… … Wikipedia
Dark field microscopy — (dark ground microscopy) describes microscopy methods, in both light and electron microscopy, which exclude the unscattered beam from the image. As a result, the field around the specimen (i.e. where there is no specimen to scatter the beam) is… … Wikipedia
Differential interference contrast microscopy — Micrasterias furcata imaged in transmitted DIC microscopy. Differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC), also known as Nomarski Interference Contrast (NIC) or Nomarski microscopy, is an optical microscopy illumination technique used to… … Wikipedia
Phase contrast microscopy — Phase contrast image of a cheek epithelial cell Phase contrast microscopy is an optical microscopy illumination technique of great importance to biologists in which small (invisible to the human eye) phase shifts in the light passing through a… … Wikipedia