- lifting lug
монтажная проушина; монтажная петля; подъёмная скоба
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
проушина для подъема — [Интент] Тематики подъемно транспортное оборуд. прочее Синонимы подъемная скобапроушина для захвата груза EN lifting lug … Справочник технического переводчика
проушины для подъёма крышки ядерного реактора — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN reactor vessel head lifting lug … Справочник технического переводчика
Lugger — A lugger is a type of small sailing vessel setting lugsails on two or more masts and perhaps lug topsails. Defining the rigThe lugsail is an evolved version of the classical square sail. In both rigs, the upper side of the sail is attached to a… … Wikipedia
Tire — This article is about tires used on road vehicles, including pneumatic tires and solid tires. For railroad tires, see railway tires. For other uses, see tire (disambiguation) or tyre.Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively) … Wikipedia
Shovel — For other uses, see Shovel (disambiguation). A man carrying shovels … Wikipedia
Nobby (boat) — The nobby is an an inshore sailing boat which was used as a traditional fishing boat around Lancashire and Manx. The Lancashire nobby originated in Morecambe Bay about 1840 and around Southport. It subsequently came into widespread use down the… … Wikipedia
Garden fork — A garden fork, spading fork, digging fork or graip is a gardening implement, with a handle and several (usually four) short, sturdy tines. It is used for loosening, lifting and turning over soil in gardening and farming. It is used similarly to a … Wikipedia
Coupling (railway) — Knuckle (AAR Type E ) couplers in use ICE coupler A c … Wikipedia
SIG SG 550 — SG 550 The SG 550 service rifle Type Assault rifle Place of origin … Wikipedia
Plough — Plow redirects here. For the Canadian soldier, see Edward Chester Plow. Plowman redirects here. For the surname, see Plowman (surname). Furrow redirects here. For other uses, see Furrow (disambiguation). For other uses, see Plough… … Wikipedia
Dinghy — of the schooner Adventuress A dinghy is a type of small boat, often carried or towed for use as a ship s boat by a larger vessel. It is a loanword from either Bengali or Urdu. The term can also refer to small racing yachts or recreational open… … Wikipedia