- lever latch
щеколда с рычажком
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
latch — ► NOUN 1) a bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate. 2) a spring lock for an outer door, which catches when the door is closed and can only be opened from the outside with a key. ► VERB 1) fasten with a latch. 2) (latch on)… … English terms dictionary
latch — [lach] n. [ME lacche < lacchen, to seize, catch hold of < OE læccan < IE base * (s)lagw , to grasp, seize > Gr lazesthai, to take, lambanein, to seize] 1. a fastening for a door or gate, esp. one capable of being worked from either… … English World dictionary
Latch (hardware) — Window latch Door latch A latch (called sneck in Nor … Wikipedia
latch — noun 1》 a bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate. 2》 a spring lock for an outer door, which catches when the door is closed and can only be opened from the outside with a key. 3》 Electronics a circuit which retains whatever… … English new terms dictionary
latch — n. & v. n. 1 a bar with a catch and lever used as a fastening for a gate etc. 2 a spring lock preventing a door from being opened from the outside without a key after being shut. v.tr. & intr. fasten or be fastened with a latch. Phrases and… … Useful english dictionary
latch — 1. noun /lætʃ/ a) A fastening for a door that has a bar that fits into a notch or slot, and is lifted by a lever or string from either side. The cleverly constructed latch which Clayton had made for the door had sprung as Kerch … Wiktionary
Suffolk latch — A Suffolk latch is a type of latch, or mechanical fastener, incorporating a simple thumb actuated lever and commonly used to hold wooden gates and doors closed.The Suffolk latch originated in the English county of Suffolk in the 16th century and… … Wikipedia
Norfolk latch — A Norfolk latch is a type of latch, or mechanical fastener, incorporating a simple thumb actuated lever and commonly used to hold wooden gates and doors closed. In a Norfolk latch, the handle is fitted to a backplate independently of the thumb… … Wikipedia
Thumb latch — Thumb Thumb, n. [OE. thombe, thoumbe, [thorn]ume, AS. [thorn][=u]ma; akin to OFries. th[=u]ma, D. duim, G. daumen, OHG. d[=u]mo, Icel. [thorn]umall, Dan. tommelfinger, Sw. tumme, and perhaps to L. tumere to swell. [root]56. Cf. {Thimble}, {Tumid} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
closet latch — n. a latchset which has a turning device with minimum projection in place of the inside knob or lever … Locksmith dictionary
Colt Dragoon Revolver — Martial Third Model Dragoon, U.S. Cavalry issued Type Revolver Place of origin … Wikipedia