- astronomical fix
астрономическая точка (ориентировки в полёте)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
fix — [fiks] vt. fixed, fixing [ME fixen < fix, fixed < L fixus, pp. of figere, to fasten, attach: see FINISH] 1. a) to make firm, stable, or secure b) to fasten or attach firmly 2. to set firmly in the mind … English World dictionary
fix — verb 1》 attach or position securely. ↘(fix on) direct or be directed unwaveringly toward: her gaze fixed on Jess. 2》 decide or settle on. ↘establish the exact location of (something) by using radar, visual bearings, or astronomical… … English new terms dictionary
fix — v. & n. v. 1 tr. make firm or stable; fasten, secure (fixed a picture to the wall). 2 tr. decide, settle, specify (a price, date, etc.). 3 tr. mend, repair. 4 tr. implant (an idea or memory) in the mind (couldn t get the rules fixed in his head) … Useful english dictionary
fix — A position determined from terrestrial, electronic, or astronomical data … Military dictionary
astronomical position line — A position line obtained by sighting a planetary body. From the geographical position, an arc is drawn which is equal to the zenith distance of the body. A tangent to this arc is the astro position line. To obtain a fix, either another astro, or… … Aviation dictionary
List of the most distant astronomical objects — This article documents the farthest known astronomical objects, and the time periods in which they were so classified. Contents 1 List of most distant objects by type 2 Most distant astronomical object recordholders 3 List of most distant objects … Wikipedia
get a fix on — determine the position of (something) by visual or radio bearings or astronomical observation ■ informal assess or determine the nature or facts of; obtain a clear understanding of it is hard to get a fix on their ages … Useful english dictionary
Astro Cliffs — (coord|66|40|S|62|26|W|) is a rock cliffs 60 m high, situated at the southeast extremity of Churchill Peninsula, 6 miles (10 km) northeast of Cape Alexander on the east coast of Graham Land. Surveyed by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey… … Wikipedia
History of astronomy — History of science … Wikipedia
eclipse — eclipser, n. /i klips /, n., v., eclipsed, eclipsing. n. 1. Astron. a. the obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention … Universalium
Gregorian calendar — For the calendar of religious holidays and periods, see Liturgical year. For this year s Gregorian calendar, see Common year starting on Saturday. 2011 in other calendars Gregorian calendar 2011 MMXI … Wikipedia