сокр. от leading edge structure subsystemкомпоненты конструкции носков крыла и фюзеляжа (ОС МТКК)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
less — less·est; less·ness; let·ter·less; li·cense·less; lid·less; life·less; life·less·ly; life·less·ness; light·less; light·less·ness; limb·less; lime·less; lim·it·less; line·less; lint·less; lip·less; list·less; list·less·ly; list·less·ness;… … English syllables
less — [ les ] function word *** Less is the comparative form of the function word little and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (before a noun): Eat less fat. Schools put less emphasis on being creative. as a pronoun: Connie did less… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Less — Less, X Terminal Basisdaten Entwickler: Mark Nudelman Aktuelle Version: 429 (11. April 2009) … Deutsch Wikipedia
less — Less, X Terminal Basisdaten Entwickler Mark Nudelman Aktuelle Version 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
less — Fichier log de la commnande emerge de gentoo affiché par less dans un terminal xfce … Wikipédia en Français
Less — est une commande Unix permettant de visualiser un fichier texte page par page (sans le modifier). Sa fonction est similaire à la commande more, mais permet en plus de revenir en arrière ou de rechercher une chaîne. Contrairement à vi (qui permet… … Wikipédia en Français
Less — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda less Captura de less en un terminal X. Desarrollador Mark Nudelman … Wikipedia Español
Less — Вывод less в X Терминал Тип Системная утилита Разработчик Mark Nudelman ОС … Википедия
less — [les] adj. [ME les < OE læs, adv. læssa, adj. (used as compar. of lytel, LITTLE), akin to OFris les < IE * leis < base * lei , to diminish, meager, > LITTLE] 1. alt. compar. of LITTLE 2. not so much; smaller in size or amount [to… … English World dictionary
less — Captura de less en un terminal X. Desarrollador Mark Nudelman [1] … Wikipedia Español
Less — Less, a. [OE. lesse, AS. l[=ae]ssa; akin to OFries. l[=e]ssa; a compar. from a lost positive form. Cf. {Lesser}, {Lest}, {Least}. Less has the sense of the comparative degree of little.] Smaller; not so large or great; not so much; shorter;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English