- leggings
съёмные нижние части брюк
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Leggings — (engl.), hohe Gamaschen aus schmiegsamem Leder oder braun gefärbtem Segeltuch … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
leggings — /ingl. ˈleɡɪŋʒ/ s. m. pl. pantacollant, pantacalza … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Leggings — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] … Deutsch Wörterbuch
leggings — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) a woman s tight fitting stretchy garment covering the legs, hips, and bottom. 2) stout protective overgarments for the legs from knee to ankle … English terms dictionary
Leggings — Lisa Cant wearing leggings on the catwalk Leggings are a type of fitted clothing covering the legs, which can be worn by both men and women. Originally leggings were two separate garments, one for each leg. Modern leggings are typically made from … Wikipedia
Leggings — Lisa Cant trägt Wetlook Leggings auf einem Catwalk Leggings der nordamer … Deutsch Wikipedia
leggings — leggins ou leggings [ legiŋs ] n. f. pl. • 1844; leggins n. m. pl. 1858; angl. leggings, de leg « jambe » ♦ Anglic. Jambières de cuir ou de toile. ● leggings nom féminin pluriel (anglais leggings, de leg, jambe) Jambières de cuir ou de drap, d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Leggings — Los leggings son unas medias ceñidas que usan las mujeres y recientemente hombres a modo de calzas. Opacas y abiertas por el pie se llevan como prenda externa combinadas con jerseys largos o vestidos, en el caso de uso en la vestimenta masculina … Wikipedia Español
Leggings — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Leggings », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Les leggings ou caleçons moulants en français sont des pantalons … Wikipédia en Français
leggings — [[t]le̱gɪŋz[/t]] 1) N PLURAL: also a pair of N Leggings are close fitting trousers, usually made out of a stretchy fabric, that are worn by women and girls. She is wearing tight, black leggings and a baggy green jersey. 2) N PLURAL: also a pair… … English dictionary
Leggings — Leggins * * * Lẹg|gings 〈Pl.〉 = Leggins * * * Lẹg|gings, Lẹg|gins <Pl.> [engl. leggin(g)s, zu: leg = Bein]: einer Strumpfhose ohne Füßlinge ähnliches Kleidungsstück für Frauen u. Mädchen. * * * Leggings [ legɪȖz; englisch »Gamaschen«,… … Universal-Lexikon