leather cloth
Смотреть что такое "leather cloth" в других словарях:
Leather-Cloth — (engl., spr. lédher kloth, »Ledertuch«), halbwollenes Tuch für Kleinasien, in England hergestellt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Leather cloth — Ледерин; ткань, обработанная под кожу; имитация кожи … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Leather — Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and tanned,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather board — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather carp — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather flower — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather jacket — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather leaf — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather plant — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leather turtle — Leather Leath er (l[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. lether, AS. le[eth]er; akin to D. leder, le[^e]r, G. leder, OHG. ledar, Icel. le[eth]r, Sw. l[ a]der, Dan. l[ae]der.] 1. The skin of an animal, or some part of such skin, with the hair removed, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
leather — ► NOUN 1) a material made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process. 2) a piece of leather as a polishing cloth. 3) (leathers) leather clothes worn by a motorcyclist. ► VERB 1) (leathered) cover with leather. 2) … English terms dictionary