- leased line
закреплённая (некоммутируемая) линия связи; арендуемая линия связи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Leased line — A leased line is a service contract between a provider and a customer, whereby the provider agrees to deliver a symmetric telecommunications line connecting two or more locations in exchange for a monthly rent (hence the term lease). It is… … Wikipedia
leased line — A telephone line that directly connects two computer. It is usually rented from the telephone company. A leased line doesn t have some of the electronic restrictions that a dialup line has, so data can be sent faster. However, data can therefore… … Dictionary of telecommunications
leased line links — Telecommunications links set up on an exclusive use basis between a customer and an application service provider for the sole use of the customer. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com.… … Law dictionary
leased line — line for fast data transfer … English contemporary dictionary
leased line — A communications circuit or telephone line reserved for the permanent use of a specific customer; also called a private line. See also dedicated line … Dictionary of networking
leased line — A communications line that a user leases from a common carrier (public utility company) for exclusive use … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Leased line — Endpunkt einer 2 Mbit/s Standardfestverbindung mit NT2MSKU E (oben) und Cisco 2800 (zweites Gerät von oben). Eine Standleitung ist eine permanente (dauerhaft stehende) Verbindung zweier Kommunikationspartner über ein Telekommunikationsnetz. Im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Leased\ Line — Standleitung, von einem Telekommunikations Anbieter gemietete Festverbindung (Mietleitung) mit permanenter Verbindung und meist höherer Bandbreite als Telefonleitungen. Vorteile sind ständige Erreichbarkeit im Netz und hohe Datenübertragungsrate … Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon
Virtual Leased Line — (VLL) (Виртуальные выделенные линии) является способом обеспечения Ethernet точка для связи на IP/MPLS сетей. Термин Virtual Leased Line также используется для описания соединений точка точка соединения с использованием технологии Broadband … Википедия
Virtual Leased Line — (VLL) is a way to provide Ethernet based point to point communication over IP/MPLS networks. In the industry, the technology is also referred to as Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS) or EoMPLS (Ethernet over MPLS). VLL uses the pseudo wire… … Wikipedia
LEASED LINE - выделенная линия, некоммутируемая линия — телефонная линия, не требующая набора номера для установления соединения … Словарь электронного бизнеса