- lean mixture
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
lean mixture — thin mixture, diluted mixture, mixture containing a small amount of the substance added … English contemporary dictionary
lean mixture — A fuel air mixture where the fuel air ratio is less than 1:15. See air fuel mixture ratio … Aviation dictionary
lean mixture — A mixture of air and fuel in which there is more air and less fuel. See air fuel ratio. The opposite is rich mixture. Also see stoichiometric ratio … Dictionary of automotive terms
lean-burn — leanˈ burnˈ adjective Of, using or relating to a fuel air mixture in which the fuel component is relatively low, so reducing the amount of fuel used and pollution produced • • • Main Entry: ↑lean * * * adj. of or relating to an internal… … Useful english dictionary
lean — lean1 [lēn] vi. leaned or Chiefly Brit. leant, leaning [ME lenen < OE hlinian, to lean, hlænan, to cause to lean, akin to Ger lehnen < IE base * k̑lei , to incline, lean > Gr klinein, L clinare] 1. to bend or deviate from an upright… … English World dictionary
mixture — [1] A substance made up of two or more chemicals in some proportion. [2] A fuel air mixture in an internal combustion engine. [3] The combination of oil and gasoline in the fuel tank of a two stroke engine, e.g., 1:50, i.e., one part of oil is… … Dictionary of automotive terms
lean-burn — adjective (of an internal combustion engine) designed to run on a lean mixture to reduce pollution … English new terms dictionary
lean-burn engine — An engine which uses a lean mixture of fuel and air to increase fuel economy and reduce exhaust emissions. Also see CACIS … Dictionary of automotive terms
Lean burn — refers to the use of lean mixtures in an internal combustion engine. The air fuel ratios can be as high as 65:1, so the mixture has considerably less fuel in comparison to the stoichiometric combustion ratio (14.7:1 for petrol for example).… … Wikipedia
lean — Ⅰ. lean [1] ► VERB (past and past part. leaned or chiefly Brit. leant) 1) be in or move into a sloping position. 2) (lean against/on) incline from the perpendicular and rest against. 3) (lean on) rely on for sup … English terms dictionary
lean — I [[t]lin[/t]] v. leaned (esp. brit.)leant, lean•ing, 1) to incline or bend from a vertical position: to lean out the window[/ex] 2) to incline, as in a particular direction; slant: The post leans to the left[/ex] 3) to incline in feeling,… … From formal English to slang