leakage loss

leakage loss
потери на утечку

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "leakage loss" в других словарях:

  • Leakage — describes an unwanted loss, or leak, of something which escapes from its proper location. In everyday usage, leakage is the gradual escape of matter through a leak hole. [ [http://www.m w.com/dictionary/leaking Merriam Webster] ] In different… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss — (l[o^]s; 115), n. [AS. los loss, losing, fr. le[ o]san to lose. [root]127. See {Lose}, v. t.] 1. The act of losing; failure; destruction; privation; as, the loss of property; loss of money by gaming; loss of health or reputation. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Leakage — A situation in which capital, or income, exits an economy, or system, rather than remains within it. In economics, leakage refers to outflow from a circular flow of income model. In a two sector model, all individual income is sent back to… …   Investment dictionary

  • leakage — /lee kij/, n. 1. an act of leaking; leak. 2. something that leaks in or out. 3. the amount that leaks in or out. 4. Com. an allowance for loss by leaking. 5. Physics, Elect. the loss of all or part of a useful agent, as of the electric current… …   Universalium

  • loss — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Failure to keep Nouns loss; perdition; forfeiture, forfeit, lapse, detriment, privation, bereavement, deprivation, dispossession, riddance, waste, dissipation, expenditure, leakage; brain drain;… …   English dictionary for students

  • leakage —    1. The flow of water from one hydrogeologic unit to another. The leakage may be natural, as through semi impervious confining layer, or manmade, as through an uncased well [22].    2. The natural loss of water from artificial structures as a… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • leakage — 1) The loss of a liquid from a faulty container. 2) An allowance for loss of a liquid in transit, due to evaporation or other causes …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • leakage — The escape of a liquid or a vapor. Loss in a ship s cargo by leaking or breaking in transit. As used in bills of lading, the term appears to be applied not only to the leaking of liquids from their casks or other containers, but also to the loss… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • leakage — noun Date: 15th century 1. a. the act or process or an instance of leaking b. loss of electricity especially due to faulty insulation 2. something or the amount that leaks …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • leakage — /ˈlikɪdʒ/ (say leekij) noun 1. the act of leaking; leak. 2. that which leaks in or out. 3. the amount that leaks in or out. 4. Commerce an allowance for loss by leaking. 5. Physics the escape of any radiation through a shield round a nuclear… …  

  • leakage — The waste or diminution of a liquid caused by its leaking from the cask, barrel, or other vessel in which it was placed. Also an allowance made to an importer of liquids, at the custom house, in the collection of duties, for his loss sustained by …   Black's law dictionary

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