leading term

leading term
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "leading term" в других словарях:

  • Term limits in the United States — Term limits to offices in the United States:Historical backgroundTerm limits, or Rotation in office, dates back to the American Revolution, and prior to that to the democracies and republics of antiquity. The council of 500 in ancient Athens… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading man — or leading gentleman is an informal term for the actor who plays a love interest to the leading actress in a film or play. A leading man is usually an all rounder; capable of singing, dancing, and acting at a professional level, but never… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading lady — is an informal term for the actress who plays a secondary lead or supporting role, usually a love interest, to the leading actor in a film or play. It is not usually applied to the leading actress in the performance if her character is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading Seaman — (LS or L/S) is a non commissioned rank or rate in navies, particularly those of the Commonwealth.AustraliaThe badge in the Royal Australian Navy is the fouled anchor over the word Australia . it is senior to Able Seaman but junior to Petty… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading lights — (also known as range lights in the USA) are a pair of light beacons, used in position fixing and navigation to indicate a safe passage for vessels entering a shallow or dangerous channel.They consist of two lights that are separated in distance… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading Rating — (or Leading Rate) is the most senior of the junior rates in the British Royal Navy. It is equal in status to Corporal, although for a long time was officially junior to that rank. The rate was introduced under the authority of Admiralty Circular… …   Wikipedia

  • leading question — In law, a leading question is one which suggests an expected answer to the witness, and the use of such questions is strictly controlled by Judges Rules. In general use the term is often extended to mean a ‘loaded’ or ‘searching’ question, i.e.… …   Modern English usage

  • Leading — Leads redirects here. For the city and metropolitan borough in West Yorkshire, England, see Leeds. For other uses, see Lead (disambiguation). Line leading and Line lead redirect here. For the water navigation concept, see Leading line. For other… …   Wikipedia

  • leading —    In typography, the horizontal spaces between lines of type, its thickness (height on a page) measured in points. Desk top publishing software application programs employ this term (including Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXpress, and… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • Leading/trailing drum brake — The leading/trailing drum brake design is typically found on the the rear of automobiles, though it has appeared on the front of some older models such as the Bedford CA. [Bedford CA service training manual 1959] Its advantage is that is equally… …   Wikipedia

  • Leading research groups in Iran — Here is the list of active research groups in Iran:PhysicsQuantum information*Group led by Vahid Karimipour [http://mehr.sharif.edu/ qc/ website] [http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en lr= q=author%3A%22V.+Karimipour%22 btnG=Search as subj=phy… …   Wikipedia

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