latency [latent] time

latency [latent] time
1) латентный [скрытый\] период
2) время ожидания

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "latency [latent] time" в других словарях:

  • Latent — can refer to:* Latent heat, the amount of energy released or absorbed by a substance during a change of phase * A latent geologic fault * Latent bud, a bud in some plants that remains a bud until favourable conditions appear * Virus latency, the… …   Wikipedia

  • time interval — noun a definite length of time marked off by two instants • Syn: ↑interval • Hypernyms: ↑measure, ↑quantity, ↑amount • Hyponyms: ↑access time, ↑distance, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • latent period — noun 1. the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it • Syn: ↑reaction time, ↑response time, ↑latency • Hypernyms: ↑time interval, ↑interval 2. the time that elapses before the presence of a disease is manifested by symptoms …   Useful english dictionary

  • Latency (audio) — Latency refers to a short period of delay (usually measured in milliseconds) between when an audio signal enters and when it emerges from a system. Potential contributors to latency in an audio system include analog to digital conversion,… …   Wikipedia

  • Latency — La ten*cy, n. [See {Latent}.] 1. The state or quality of being latent. [1913 Webster] To simplify the discussion, I shall distinguish three degrees of this latency. Sir W. Hamilton. [1913 Webster] 2. The time between a stimulus the appearance of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • latent period — Latency La ten*cy, n. [See {Latent}.] 1. The state or quality of being latent. [1913 Webster] To simplify the discussion, I shall distinguish three degrees of this latency. Sir W. Hamilton. [1913 Webster] 2. The time between a stimulus the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • latent period — n 1) the period between exposure to a disease causing agent or process and the appearance of symptoms <the latent period between exposure to a tumorigenic dose of radioactivity and the appearance of tumors> 2) LATENCY (3) <smooth muscle… …   Medical dictionary

  • latency — 1630s, condition of being concealed, from LATENT (Cf. latent) + CY (Cf. cy). Meaning delay between stimulus and response is from 1882; computer sense (latency time) is from 1954 …   Etymology dictionary

  • latency — 1. The state of being latent. 2. In conditioning, or other behavioral experiments, the period of apparent inactivity between the time the stimulus is presented and the moment a response occurs. 3. In psychoanalysis …   Medical dictionary

  • latency — noun 1. (computer science) the time it takes for a specific block of data on a data track to rotate around to the read/write head • Syn: ↑rotational latency • Topics: ↑computer science, ↑computing • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • latency — /layt n see/, n., pl. latencies. 1. the state of being latent. 2. Computers. the time required to locate the first bit or character in a storage location, expressed as access time minus word time. 3. See latent period. [1630 40; LAT(ENT) + ENCY]… …   Universalium

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