language extension

language extension
вчт. расширение языка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "language extension" в других словарях:

  • Extensión (Mozilla) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una extensión es una mejora instalable para los proyectos de la fundación Mozilla (y compatible con sus variantes, como la versión portable de Mozilla Firefox). Una extensión permite al usuario aumentar las… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Extension Language Kit — (ELK) is a free Scheme implementation which is embeddable in C and C++ programs, but can also be used as a stand alone Scheme interpreter.External links* [http://www rn.informatik.uni ELK home page] *… …   Wikipedia

  • Language Integrated Query — (Requête intégrée au langage, aussi connu sous le nom de LINQ) est un composant du Framework .NET de Microsoft qui ajoute des capacités d interrogation sur des données aux langages .NET en utilisant une syntaxe proche de celle de SQL. La plupart… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • language — /lang gwij/, n. 1. a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition: the two languages of Belgium; a Bantu language; the French… …   Universalium

  • Extension method — An extension method is a new language feature of C# starting with the 3.0 specification, as well as Visual Basic.NET starting with 9.0 and Oxygene with 2.0.The problemNormally, in a situation where it is necessary to add more functionality to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Language Integrated Query — LINQ redirects here. For the card game, see Linq (card game). Language Integrated Query Influenced by SQL, Haskell Language Integrated Query (LINQ, pronounced link ) is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying… …   Wikipedia

  • Extension of scalars — In abstract algebra, extension of scalars is a means of producing a module over a ring S from a module over another ring R, given a homomorphism f : R o S between them. Intuitively, the new module admits multiplication by more scalars than the… …   Wikipedia

  • Extension (semantics) — In any of several studies that treat the use of signs, for example in linguistics, logic, mathematics, semantics, and semiotics, the extension of a concept, idea, or sign consists of the things to which it applies, in contrast with its… …   Wikipedia

  • Extension (Philosophie) — Intension et extension  Pour l’article homophone, voir Intention. L intension (ou compréhension chez les auteurs les plus anciens) et l extension sont des concepts logiques qui ont été utilisés par la philosophie ancienne et médiévale, ainsi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Extension (philosophie) — Intension et extension  Pour l’article homophone, voir Intention. L intension (ou compréhension chez les auteurs les plus anciens) et l extension sont des concepts logiques qui ont été utilisés par la philosophie ancienne et médiévale, ainsi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Extension (Mac OS) — On the Apple Macintosh operating system prior to Mac OS X, extensions were small pieces of code that extended the system s functionality. They were run initially at start up time, and operated by a variety of mechanisms, including trap patching… …   Wikipedia

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