- landman
служащий (нефтедобывающей фирмы), ведущий дела с владельцами земель, арендуемых фирмой
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Landman — ist der Familienname von: Jonathan Landman (* 1952), US amerikanischer Journalist Yuri Landman (* 1973), niederländischer Musikinstrumentenbauer, Musiker und Comiczeichner Siehe auch: Landmann … Deutsch Wikipedia
Landman — Land man, n.; pl. {Landmen}. 1. A man who lives or serves on land; opposed to {seaman}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eng.) An occupier of land. Cowell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Landman — Recorded as Land, Lande, Launde, Lawn, Landman and Landsman, this is an English surname. It has two possible origins. Firstly it may be a topographical surname for someone who lived in the country, as opposed to a town. If so the derivation is… … Surnames reference
LANDMAN, ISAAC — (1880–1946), U.S. Reform rabbi. Born in Sudilkov, Russia, Landman was taken to Cincinnati in 1889. He matriculated at the University of Cincinnati (1906) and was ordained at Hebrew Union College. He served at Congregation Kenesseth Israel,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Landman (rank) — Landman (or, in the United States Navy, Landsman) was a military rank given to naval recruits.In the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom in the middle of the 18th century, the term Landman referred to a seaman with less than a year s experience at… … Wikipedia
Landman (oil worker) — In the United States and Canada, a Landman is an individual who performs various services for oil companies. According to the website of the American Association of Petroleum Landmen (www.landman.org), these services include: negotiating for the… … Wikipedia
landman — landsman … Dictionary of ichthyology
landman — /land meuhn, man /, n., pl. landmen / meuhn, men /. 1. landsman (def. 1). 2. leaseman. 3. a person who bargains with landowners for the mineral rights to their land, as on behalf of an oil company. [bef. 1000; ME; OE landmann. See LAND, MAN1]… … Universalium
landman — noun Someone who lives or works on land, as opposed to a seaman … Wiktionary
Landman — n. family name … English contemporary dictionary
landman — land·man … English syllables