landing gear shock strut

landing gear shock strut
амортизационная опора шасси

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "landing gear shock strut" в других словарях:

  • Shock absorber — Gas damper A shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse, and dissipate kinetic energy. It is a type of dashpot. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Strut — See also strut (disambiguation) A strut is a structural component designed to resist longitudinal compression. Struts provide outwards facing support in their lengthwise direction, which can be used to keep two other components separate,… …   Wikipedia

  • shock absorber — A device built into the landing gear of an aircraft to absorb the shock that occurs when the aircraft touches down on landing and during a ground roll to decrease shock in the airframe. The most common form of shock absorber is an oleo (oil and… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Oleo strut — An oleo strut is an air–oil hydraulic shock absorber used on the landing gear of most large aircraft.[1] It cushions the impacts of landing and while taxiing[2] and damps out vertical oscillations …   Wikipedia

  • Chapman strut — Lotus Twelve The Chapman strut is a design of independent rear suspension used for light cars, particularly sports and racing cars. It takes its name from, and is best known for its use by, Colin Chapman of Lotus. The characteristic feature of… …   Wikipedia

  • oleo strut — ˈōlēˌō noun Etymology: ole + strut : a cylindrical strut with a built in telescopic shock absorber that damps or absorbs rectilinear shock (as in an aircraft landing gear) by forcing oil up through an orifice in the bottom of a hollow piston into …   Useful english dictionary

  • Oleo Strut (restaurant) — Oleo Struts also refers to the name of a Tamworth based Australian rock band. The Oleo Strut was a coffeehouse in Killeen, Texas, from 1968 to 1972. Like its namesake, a shock absorber in helicopter landing gear, the Oleo Strut’s purpose was to… …   Wikipedia

  • Oleo Strut (coffeehouse) — Oleo Struts also refers to the name of a Tamworth based Australian rock band. The Oleo Strut was a coffeehouse in Killeen, Texas, from 1968 to 1972. Like its namesake, a shock absorber in helicopter landing gear, the Oleo Strut’s purpose was to… …   Wikipedia

  • oleo strut — a hydraulic device used as a shock absorber in the landing gear of aircraft, consisting of an oil filled cylinder fitted with a hollow, perforated piston into which oil is slowly forced when a compressive force is applied to the landing gear, as… …   Universalium

  • oleo strut — ☆ oleo strut n. a shock absorbing strut in the landing gear of some airplanes, consisting of a telescopic cylinder containing oil …   English World dictionary

  • Undercarriage — This article is about aircraft landing gear. For the Devin the Dude album, see Landing Gear. Undercarriage Undercarriage of a Boeing 777 300 …   Wikipedia

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