
1) сборка; компоновка; монтаж (процесс)
2) сборочная единица; комплект; устройство; агрегат или узел в сборе
3) фотомонтаж, монтаж (кинофильма)
4) вчт. ассемблированная программа
5) вчт. трансляция (с языка ассемблера); ассемблирование
6) лесн. пакет (фанеры); запрессовка
abrasive work engaging assembly
abutment sleeve assembly
accessory drive assembly
active docking assembly
adhesive assembly
aligned docking assemblies
androgynous docking assembly
antenna assembly
antifriction roller assembly
automated assembly
automatic drain assembly
automatic program assembly
band assembly
bare assembly
bearing mount assembly
board assembly
bottom hole assembly
bottom plate assembly
brake assembly
breeder assembly
brush assembly
bushing assembly
cable assembly
cam assembly
canister assembly
captive-screw assembly
carriage assembly
cathode assembly
cell assembly
centrifugal flyweights assembly
channel fastener assembly
closure head assembly
cluster assemblies
combed assembly
combustion assembly
commutator bar assembly
compatible docking assemblies
container assembly
conveyor/robot assembly
cord assembly
cowl flap actuating assembly
critical assembly
crosshead movement assembly
cutter assembly
cutting tool assembly
deflection-coil assembly
docking assembly
document assembly
dovetailed assembly
drill assembly
drilling assembly
drilling bit bearing assembly
drop-sleeve assembly
dry fuel assembly
dumbbell assembly
dummy assembly
electrode assembly
electrode-drive assembly
emergency extension assembly
engine-mounted assembly
evaporator assembly
experimental assembly
factory assembly
feed nut assembly
feeding assembly
field assembly
film assembly
film unit assembly
film-carrier assembly
first assembly
flexible structure assembly
focus-deflection assembly
friction assembly
fuel assembly
fuel rod assembly
functional assembly
grinding wheel assembly
guide bar assembly
guide vane assembly
head assembly
head drum assembly
heavy loaded fuel assembly
improper assembly
jack bar assembly
knockover bar assembly
laterally docking assembly
layer assembly
lining assembly
longitudinal docking assembly
look ahead assembly
low-maintenance rigid hitch assembly
maneuver propulsion assembly
marine riser seal assembly
marine riser stub assembly
mast-and-electrode assembly
melt distributing assembly
microelectronic modular assembly
mixture control assembly
module assembly
mold assembly
mount assembly
moving-contact assembly
multichip assembly
multilayer film assembly
multiple station assembly
multirow cylindrical bearing journal assembly
near-critical assembly
needle bar assembly
negative assembly
neutron detection assembly
OD grinding assembly
oil cooler actuating assembly
on-orbit assembly
packet assembly
packing assembly
pack-off assembly
pan-and-tilt assembly
paper path assembly
parking brake assembly
partition assembly
passive docking assembly
pipe follower roller assembly
plate fuel assembly
ply assembly
pot core coil assembly
presser bar assembly
pressure mounting assembly
pressure regulator assembly
pressure relief assembly
printed circuit assembly
program assembly
programmable assembly
radial converging assembly
radially docking assembly
reaction control assembly
reduction gear assembly
repair shop assembly
replaceable sync head assembly
replaceable video head assembly
replacement assembly
retraction/extension assembly
robotic assembly
robot assembly
roll and chock assembly
roll cartridge assembly
rolling contact fatigue assembly
rotating basket assembly
rotating head assembly
rotor clutch assembly
scanner assembly
scanning-coil assembly
seal assembly
sealed drilling bit bearing assembly
sealed drill bit bearing assembly
self-contained journal bearing assembly
self-energizing brake assembly
shear cartridge assembly
sinker bar assembly
slide bar assembly
spent fuel assembly
spindle assembly
spinneret assembly
squeeze-ratchet tool assembly
stacked assembly
stack assembly
static purity assembly
statistical assembly
stem assembly
stone assembly
storage assembly
stream feeder assembly
subcritical assembly
swing clamp assembly
tailwheel assembly
takeup assembly
target assembly
telephone headset assembly
terminal assembly
tile assembly
tool changer assembly
torque coupling assembly
tractor assembly
transformation structure assembly
trimmer board assembly
trumpet assembly
tubing joint assembly
two-row spherical bearing journal assembly
unified assembly
unitary assembly
used parts original assembly
vacuum tank assembly
video head assembly
visor assembly
wellhead assembly
wheel dressing assembly
wide opening gripping jaw assembly
winder assembly
wire-wrapped core assembly
wiring assembly
workholding assembly
wrist assembly
yarn trapper assembly
yoke assembly
zero-energy thermonuclear assembly

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "assembly" в других словарях:

  • Assembly — may refer to:Biology* Sequence assembly * Genome assembly * Neuronal assembly and Cell assembly theoryPolitics* Deliberative assembly ** General Assembly ** House of Assembly ** Legislative Assembly ** Roman assemblies ** National Assembly **… …   Wikipedia

  • assembly — as‧sem‧bly [əˈsembli] noun assemblies PLURALFORM 1. [uncountable] MANUFACTURING the process of putting the parts of products together: • Routine assembly of colour televisions eventually shifted to Taiwan. • a car …   Financial and business terms

  • assembly — as·sem·bly n pl blies 1 a: a company of persons collected together in one place usu. for some common purpose b cap: a legislative body esp. that makes up the lower house of a legislature see also general assembly …   Law dictionary

  • Assembly — As*sem bly, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl[ e]e, fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.] 1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Assembly — (englisch für „Baugruppe“) steht für: Assembly (Demoparty), eine jährliche Veranstaltung der Demoszene in Finnland .NET Assembly, eine Zusammenstellung übersetzter .NET Programmdateien Assembly Language, englisch für Assemblersprache, eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Assembly — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término assembly puede referirse a: Lenguaje ensamblador, assembly o assembly language, lenguaje de bajo nivel utilizado para escribir programas informáticos. Ensamblado o assembly, colección de archivos o… …   Wikipedia Español

  • assembly — c.1300, a gathering of persons, a group gathered for some purpose, from O.Fr. as(s)emblee assembly, gathering; union, marriage, noun use of fem. pp. of assembler to assemble (see ASSEMBLE (Cf. assemble)). Meaning gathering together is recorded… …   Etymology dictionary

  • assembly — 1 assemblage, congregation, gathering, collection (see under GATHER) Analogous words: *company, party, troop, band: *crowd, throng, crush, press 2 *assemblage Analogous words: (see those at ASSEMBLY 1) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • assembly — [n1] congregation accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, association, band, body, bunch, clambake*, cluster, coffee klatch*, collection, company, conclave, confab*, conference, convocation, council, crew, crowd, faction, flock, gathering, get… …   New thesaurus

  • assembly — [ə sem′blē] n. pl. assemblies [ME assemble < OFr assemblee < assembler: see ASSEMBLE] 1. an assembling or being assembled 2. a group of persons gathered together, as for worship, instruction, or entertainment 3. a) a legislative body …   English World dictionary

  • assembly — assembly. См. сборка. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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