- aspheric(al) mirror
асферическое зеркало
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
aspheric — [ā΄sfir′ik] adj. designating or of a lens or mirror made so that it is not perfectly spherical, as to minimize spherical aberration: also aspherical * * * a·spher·ic (ā sfîrʹĭk, ā sfĕrʹ ) also a·spher·i·cal ( ĭ kəl) adj. Varying slightly from… … Universalium
aspheric — [ā΄sfir′ik] adj. designating or of a lens or mirror made so that it is not perfectly spherical, as to minimize spherical aberration: also aspherical … English World dictionary
aspheric — Denoting a paraboloidal surface, especially of a lens or mirror, that eliminates spherical aberration. [G. a priv. + sphaira, sphere] * * * aspher·ic ( )ā sfi(ə)r ik, sfer or aspher·i·cal i kəl adj departing slightly from the spherical form esp.… … Medical dictionary
Wing mirror — Dual contour wing mirror. Large inboard convex surface is separated by visible line from small outboard aspheric surface … Wikipedia
microscope — /muy kreuh skohp /, n. 1. an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye. 2. (cap.) Astron. the… … Universalium
History of the single-lens reflex camera — The history of the single lens reflex camera predates the invention of photography in 1826/27 by one and a half centuries with the use of a reflex mirror in a camera obscura first described in 1676. Such SLR devices were popular as drawing aids… … Wikipedia
Nonimaging optics — (also called anidolic optics)[1][2] is the branch of optics concerned with the optimal transfer of light radiation between a source and a target. Unlike traditional imaging optics, the techniques involved do not attempt to form an image of the… … Wikipedia
Null corrector — Testing a spherical mirror using an interferometer. All surfaces in the tester are either flat or spherical, so the tester itself is fairly easy to fabricate and test. This setup can test a spherical mirror of any size since the wavefront is… … Wikipedia
Maksutov telescope — A 150mm aperture Maksutov Cassegrain telescope. The Maksutov is a catadioptric telescope design that combines a spherical mirror with a weakly negative meniscus lens in a design that takes advantage of all the surfaces being nearly spherically… … Wikipedia
photography, technology of — Introduction equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs. The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… … Universalium
Vixen (telescopes) — Vixen is a Japanese company that makes telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes and accessories for their products.They have created two unusual varieties of catadioptric telescopes both with open tube design, rather than the usual… … Wikipedia