Kirchhoff's laws

Kirchhoff's laws
законы (правила) Кирхгофа

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Kirchhoff's laws" в других словарях:

  • Kirchhoff's laws — Not to be confused with Kerckhoffs principle. There are several Kirchhoff s laws, all named after Gustav Robert Kirchhoff:* Kirchhoff s circuit laws * Kirchhoff s law of thermal radiation * Kirchhoff s Equations * Kirchhoff s Three Empirical Laws …   Wikipedia

  • Kirchhoff's laws — /ˈkɜkɒfs lɔz/ (say kerkofs lawz) plural noun Physics two laws relating to electrical circuits which state: 1. that in any network of wires the algebraic sum of the currents which meet at a point is zero. 2. that the algebraic sum of the… …  

  • Kirchhoff's laws — noun (physics) two laws governing electric networks in which steady currents flow: the sum of all the currents at a point is zero and the sum of the voltage gains and drops around any closed circuit is zero • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kirchhoff's circuit laws — are two equalities that deal with the conservation of charge and energy in electrical circuits, and were first described in 1845 by Gustav Kirchhoff.[1] Widely used in electrical engineering, they are also called Kirchhoff s rules or simply… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirchhoff — Kirchhoff, Kirchoff or Kirchhoffer may refer to:;people: * Adolf Kirchhoff (1826–1908), German classical scholar and epigrapher * Gustav Kirchhoff (1824–1887), German physicist, Kirchhoff s laws * Gottlieb Kirchhoff Russian chemist * Paul… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation — See also Kirchhoff s laws for other laws named after Kirchhoff .In thermodynamics, Kirchhoff s law of thermal radiation, or Kirchhoff s law for short, is a general statement equating emission and absorption in heated objects, proposed by Gustav… …   Wikipedia

  • Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert — born March 12, 1824, Königsberg, Prussia died Oct. 17, 1887, Berlin, Ger. German physicist. Kirchhoff s laws (1845) allow calculation of the currents, voltages, and resistances of electrical networks (he was the first to show that current flows… …   Universalium

  • Kirchhoff's circuit rules — or Kirchhoff s laws Two statements, developed by Gustav Kirchhoff, about complex circuits that embody the laws of conservation (see conservation law) of electric charge and energy. They are used to determine the value of the electric current in… …   Universalium

  • Kirchhoff , Gustav Robert — (1824–1887) German physicist Kirchhoff studied in his native city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad in Russia), graduating in 1847. Three years later he was appointed a professor at Breslau. He moved to Heidelberg, where Robert Bunsen was professor… …   Scientists

  • Kirchhoff — /keerddkh hawf/, n. Gustav Robert /goos tahf rddoh berddt/, 1824 87, German physicist. * * * (as used in expressions) Kirchhoff s circuit rules Kirchhoff s laws Kirchhoff Gustav Robert * * * …   Universalium

  • Laws of science — The laws of science are various established scientific laws, or physical laws as they are sometimes called, that are considered universal and invariable facts of the physical world. Laws of science may, however, be disproved if new facts or… …   Wikipedia

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