kinetic limit
Смотреть что такое "kinetic limit" в других словарях:
Kinetic theory — [ temperature of an ideal monatomic gas is a measure related to the average kinetic energy of its atoms as they move. In this animation, the size of helium atoms relative to their spacing is shown to scale under 1950 atmospheres of pressure.… … Wikipedia
Kinetic energy penetrator — French anti tank round with its sabot APFSDS at point of separation o … Wikipedia
kinetic theory of gases — Physics. a theory that the particles in a gas move freely and rapidly along straight lines but often collide, resulting in variations in their velocity and direction. Pressure is interpreted as arising from the impacts of these particles with the … Universalium
Speed limit — For a discussion of the maximum speed possible in the universe, see speed of light and special relativity. A road speed limit is the maximum speed allowed by law for road vehicles. Speed limits are commonly set and enforced by the legislative… … Wikipedia
Classical limit — The classical limit or correspondence limit is the ability of a physical theory to approximate or recover classical mechanics when considered over special values of its parameters. The classical limit is used with physical theories that predict… … Wikipedia
Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit — The Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit (GZK limit) is a theoretical upper limit on the energy of cosmic rays (high energy charged particles from space) coming from distant sources. The limit is 5×1019 eV, or about 8 joules. The limit is set by slowing … Wikipedia
Einstein relation (kinetic theory) — In physics (namely, in kinetic theory) the Einstein relation (also known as Einstein–Smoluchowski relation) is a previously unexpected connection revealed independently by Albert Einstein in 1905 and by Marian Smoluchowski (1906) in their papers… … Wikipedia
кинетический предел (ионита) — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN kinetic limit … Справочник технического переводчика
Heat capacity — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
White dwarf — For other uses, see White dwarf (disambiguation). Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Sirius B, which is a white dwarf, can be seen as a faint pinprick of light to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A … Wikipedia
physical science, principles of — Introduction the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world. physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… … Universalium