- key hardware
основные аппаратные средства
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Key — I Key [engl.], Software: Schlüssel. II Key, Hardware: Taste. III Key [kɛj], 1) Adriaen Thomasz., flämischer Maler, * … Universal-Lexikon
Hardware overlay — Hardware overlay, a type of video overlay, is a method of rendering an image to a display screen with a dedicated memory buffer inside computer video hardware, to display a fast moving video image such as a computer game, a DVD, or the signal… … Wikipedia
Hardware emulation — is the process of imitating the behavior of one or more pieces of hardware (typically a system under design) with another piece of hardware, typically a special purpose emulation system. The goal is normally debugging of the system being designed … Wikipedia
Key distribution in wireless sensor networks — Key distribution is an important issue in WSN design. It is a newly developing field due to the recent improvements in wireless communications.Wireless sensor networks are networks of small, battery powered, memory constraint devices named sensor … Wikipedia
Hardware keylogger — Hardware Keyloggers are used for keystroke logging, a method of capturing and recording computer user keystrokes. They plug in between a computer keyboard and a computer and log all keyboard activity to an internal memory. They are typically… … Wikipedia
Hardware-based full disk encryption — is being pursued by a number of HDD vendors including Intel, Seagate Technology, and Hitachi, Ltd. with the rest of the hard drive industry following. Encryption and the symmetric encryption key is maintained independently from the CPU, thus… … Wikipedia
Key West — is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys.Key West is politically within the limits of the city of Key West, Monroe County, Florida, United States. The city also occupies… … Wikipedia
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation — Hardware in the loop (HIL) simulation is a technique that is used in the development and test of complex real time embedded systems. HIL simulation provides an effective platform by adding the complexity of the plant under control to the test… … Wikipedia
Key Tronic — Fundación 1969 Sede Spokane (Estados Unidos) Industria Periféricos Electrónica … Wikipedia Español
Hardware random number generator — This SSL Accelerator computer card uses a hardware random number generator to generate cryptographic keys to encrypt data sent over computer networks. In computing, a hardware random number generator is an apparatus that generates random numbers… … Wikipedia
Key strengthening — In cryptography, key strengthening or key stretching refer to techniques used to make a possibly weak key, typically a password or passphrase, more secure against a brute force attack by increasing the time it takes to test each possible key.… … Wikipedia