- kevlar
кевлар (волокнистый материал на основе полиамидов)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Kevlar — is the registered trademark for a light, strong para aramid synthetic fiber, related to other aramids such as Nomex and Technora. Developed at DuPont in 1965 by Stephanie Kwolek and Roberto Berendt,cite web… … Wikipedia
kevlar — [ kɛvlar ] n. m. • 1972; nom déposé ♦ Technol. Résine aramide utilisée sous forme de fibre dans certains matériaux composites. Gilet pare balles, voile en kevlar. ● Kevlar nom masculin (nom déposé) Fibre aramide, caractérisée par son grand module … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kevlar — Kevlar® [ kef ], Handelsname für eine Aramidfaser (Aramide) mit hoher Zugfestigkeit und Biegsamkeit; dient als Verstärkermaterial bei der Reifenherstellung sowie in der Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie … Universal-Lexikon
kevlar — KEVLÁR s.n. Material compozit foarte uşor, foarte rezistent la şoc şi la coroziune, neinflamabil, care nu permite propagarea fisurilor şi amortizează vibraţiile, folosit în aeronautică. – Denumire comercială. Trimis de catalin caba, 15.07.2004.… … Dicționar Român
Kevlar — registered trademark (DuPont) for a synthetic fiber developed there c.1965 … Etymology dictionary
kevlar — kèvlār m <G kevlára> DEFINICIJA umjetno sintetičko vlakno izuzetne čvrstoće; upotrebljava se u zrakoplovima, svemirskim brodovima ETIMOLOGIJA tvorničko ime proizvoda© … Hrvatski jezični portal
Kevlar — [kev′lär΄] [arbitrary coinage] trademark for an aramid fiber used in making bulletproof vests, boat hulls, airplane parts, etc … English World dictionary
Kevlar® — /kevˈlär/ noun A lightweight synthetic fibre of exceptionally high strength and heat resistance, used in aerospace, firefighting equipment, etc … Useful english dictionary
Kevlar — Estructura química Kevlar. Resaltado: unidad monomérica. Punteado: Puentes de hidrógeno. El Kevlar® o poliparafenileno tereftalamida es una poliamida sintetizada por primera vez en 1965 por la química Stephanie Kwolek, quien trabajaba para DuPont … Wikipedia Español
Kevlar — Le poly(p phénylènetéréphtalamide) (PPD T) est un polymère thermoplastique constitué de noyaux aromatiques séparés par des groupes amide. Il appartient à la famille des fibres d aramides. Le poly para phénylène téréphtalamide a été découvert et… … Wikipédia en Français
KEVLAR® — The brand name of a DuPont™ synthetic fabric that is clothlike in feel and is used in cold outdoor activities (e.g., by bicyclists and motorcyclists). In racing, the material of choice for NASCAR Winston Cup cars. KEVLAR® was chosen by NASCAR… … Dictionary of automotive terms