- kernel oil
масло из косточек, косточковое масло
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Prune kernel oil — Virgin prune kernel oil is a recently developed vegetable oil, pressed from the seeds, or stones, of the d Agen prune plum. The seeds were found to have an oil content of 35% by weight, consisting of 70% oleic acid and 20% linoleic acid. The oil… … Wikipedia
palm kernel oil — palm kernel oil, a white to yellowish fat from the seeds of the palm tree, used in making margarine … Useful english dictionary
Oil palm — African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
apricot kernel oil — абрикосовое масло egg oil яичное масло yucca oil масло юкки acid oil кислое масло elemi oil масло элеми lard oil лярд масло … English-Russian travelling dictionary
grape-kernel oil — виноградное масло egg oil яичное масло yucca oil масло юкки acid oil кислое масло elemi oil масло элеми lard oil лярд масло … English-Russian travelling dictionary
peach-kernel oil — персиковое масло egg oil яичное масло yucca oil масло юкки acid oil кислое масло elemi oil масло элеми lard oil лярд масло … English-Russian travelling dictionary
apricot-kernel oil — noun : either of two oils obtained from apricot kernels and very similar in properties and uses to the true almond oils: a. : a colorless or staw colored nondrying fatty oil obtained by expression called also persic oil b. : a colorless to yellow … Useful english dictionary
peach-kernel oil — noun : either of two oils obtained from peach kernels that are very similar in properties and uses to the true almond oils: a. : a colorless or straw colored nondrying fatty oil obtained by expression called also persic oil b. : a colorless to… … Useful english dictionary
palm-kernel oil — noun : a white to yellowish edible fat that is obtained from palm kernels especially of the African oil palm, that resembles coconut oil more than palm oil, and that is used chiefly in making soap and margarine … Useful english dictionary
apricot-kernel oil — apri·cot ker·nel oil ap rə .kät .kərn əl , ā prə n PERSIC OIL (a) … Medical dictionary
peach-kernel oil — peach ker·nel oil pēch .kərn əl n PERSIC OIL (b) … Medical dictionary