- kaolinite clay
каолинитовая глина
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
clay mineral — any of a group of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite, that constitute the major portion of most clays. [1945 50] * * * Any of a group of important hydrous aluminum silicates with a layered structure and… … Universalium
Kaolinite — Kaolin General Category Silicate mineral Chemical formula Al2Si2O5(OH)4 … Wikipedia
clay mineral — clay′ min eral n. mir any of a group of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite, that constitute the major portion of most clays • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
Clay minerals — Oxford Clay (Jurassic) exposed near Weymouth, England. Clay minerals are hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates, sometimes with variable amounts of iron, magnesium, alkali metals, alkaline earths, and other cations. Clays have structures similar to… … Wikipedia
kaolinite — /kay euh leuh nuyt /, n. a very common mineral, hydrated aluminum disilicate, Al2Si2O5(OH)4, formed by the alteration of other minerals, esp. feldspar: the most common constituent of kaolin. [1865 70; KAOLIN + ITE1] * * * Group of common clay… … Universalium
Clay — For other uses, see Clay (disambiguation). The Gay Head cliffs in Martha s Vineyard consist almost entirely of clay. Clay is a general term including many combinations of one or more clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic… … Wikipedia
clay — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS 1. (minerals) A group of aluminum bearing hydrous phyllosilicate minerals (for example, kaolinite). 2. (textural) A sedimentary grain size classification for particles less than 1/256 mm in diameter, regardless of… … Glossary of volcanic terms
kaolinite — [ keɪəlɪnʌɪt] noun a clay mineral which is the chief constituent of kaolin … English new terms dictionary
Medicinal clay — German medicinal clay (Luvos Heilerde) consisting of loess, i.e. a mixture of sand, clay, and silt The use of medicinal clay in folk medicine goes back to prehistoric times. The indigenous peoples around the world still use clay widely, which is… … Wikipedia
Purbeck Ball Clay — is a concentration of ball clay found on the Isle of Purbeck in the English county of Dorset.GeologyThe main concentration of ball clay in Dorset is to the north of the Purbeck Hills centred around Norden. Ball clays are sedimentary in origin.… … Wikipedia
Ball Clay — Le ball clay est une roche contenant généralement trois minéraux dominants : 20 à 80 % de kaolinite ; 10 à 25 % de mica et 6 à 65 % de quartz. Le ball clay fait partie des argiles secondaires ou alluviales. Comparé au… … Wikipédia en Français