- jute sacking
джутовая мешковина
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
sacking — [sak′iŋ] n. a cheap, coarse cloth woven of flax, hemp, jute, etc., used esp. for making sacks … English World dictionary
jute — ► NOUN ▪ rough fibre made from the stems of a tropical plant, used for making rope or woven into sacking. ORIGIN Bengali … English terms dictionary
Jute — This article is about the vegetable fibre. For the Germanic people, see Jutes. Jute Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked) … Wikipedia
Jute — Ju|te 〈f. 19; unz.〉 1. die Bastfaser mehrerer ind. Arten des zur Familie der Lindengewächse gehörenden Corchorus, insbes. der Art Corchorus capsularis 2. ähnl. Faser anderer Pflanzen [<engl. jute <hind. jhuta „kraus“; zu altind. jata… … Universal-Lexikon
Jüte — Jü|te 〈m. 17〉 Einwohner von Jütland; Sy Jütländer * * * Ju|te, die; [engl. jute < bengal. juṭo]: 1. (in tropischen Gebieten heimische) hochwachsende Pflanze mit gesägten Blättern u. kleinen, gelben Blüten, deren Stängel Bast enthält. 2. aus… … Universal-Lexikon
jute — noun Etymology: Bengali jhuṭo Date: 1746 the glossy fiber of either of two Asian plants (Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis) of the linden family used chiefly for sacking, burlap, and twine; also a plant producing jute … New Collegiate Dictionary
jute — [dʒu:t] noun 1》 rough fibre made from the stems of a tropical plant, used for making rope or woven into sacking. 2》 the plant cultivated for jute fibre, with edible young shoots. [Corchorus capsularis (China) and C. olitorius (India).] Origin C18 … English new terms dictionary
sacking — /sak ing/, n. stout, coarse woven material of hemp, jute, or the like, chiefly for sacks. Also called sackcloth. [1580 90; SACK1 + ING1] * * * … Universalium
jute — dÊ’uËt n. strong fiber from an East Indian plant that is used to make sacking and cordage … English contemporary dictionary
sacking — sack•ing [[t]ˈsæk ɪŋ[/t]] n. tex stout, coarse woven material of hemp, jute, or the like, chiefly for sacks Also called sackcloth 1) • Etymology: 1580–90 … From formal English to slang
sacking — /ˈsækɪŋ/ (say saking) noun stout or coarse woven material of hemp, jute, or the like, used for making sacks, etc. {sack1 + ing1} …