junction point
Смотреть что такое "junction point" в других словарях:
Junction Point — may refer to: *NTFS junction point *Junction Point Studios … Wikipedia
junction point — sujungimo taškas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. junction point vok. Verbindungspunkt, m rus. точка соединения, f pranc. point de jonction, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Junction Point Studios — is a video game developer based in Austin, Texas. The studio was established in 2005 by Warren Spector and Art Min, prominent figures in the game development industry. The new studio is based around several former employees of Ion Storm, where… … Wikipedia
Junction Point Studios — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Junction (homonymie). Logo de Junction Point Studios … Wikipédia en Français
Junction Point — Eine symbolische Verknüpfung, auch symbolischer Link, Symlink oder Softlink genannt, ist eine Verknüpfung in einem Dateisystem (Datei oder Verzeichnis), die auf eine andere Datei oder ein anderes Verzeichnis verweist. Es ist also lediglich eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
junction point — In Microsoft Windows 2000, a drive or disk partition attached to an empty folder on an NTFS volume. Using junction points allows you to mount more than 26 (A Z) storage volumes. See also mounted drive … Dictionary of networking
junction point — noun see junction I, 2b … Useful english dictionary
junction point of network — connection point between communications lines that usually manage the information passing through them using a particular communications protocol … English contemporary dictionary
NTFS junction point — An NTFS junction point is a feature of the NTFS file system that provides the ability to create a symbolic link to a directory which then functions as an alias of that directory. This has many benefits over a Windows shell shortcut (.lnk) file,… … Wikipedia
NTFS junction point — NTFS Junction Point нововведение в файловой системе NTFS 5.0, т. н. точка соединения NTFS. Суть заключается в том, что указанный логический диск будет отображаться как папка в другом логическом диске. Эта возможность позволяет… … Википедия
Junction — may refer to:*Junction (traffic) where several traffic routes cross: **junction (rail), a railroad/railway junction **Intersection (road), a road junction **Interchange (road), a motorway junction *The Junction, a Toronto neighbourhood *The… … Wikipedia