joint correlation

joint correlation
совместная корреляция

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "joint correlation" в других словарях:

  • Joint Interagency Task Force South — is a multiservice, multiagency joint task force of the United States armed forces based at Naval Air Station Key West, Key West, Florida. It conducts counter illicit trafficking operations, intelligence fusion and multi sensor correlation to… …   Wikipedia

  • Correlation and dependence — This article is about correlation and dependence in statistical data. For other uses, see correlation (disambiguation). In statistics, dependence refers to any statistical relationship between two random variables or two sets of data. Correlation …   Wikipedia

  • Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe — The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE) was formed in 1993 by the major observatories of the European VLBI Network (EVN). JIVE operates the EVN Data Processor a special purpose supercomputer for astronomical VLBI data correlation. A recent… …   Wikipedia

  • Partial correlation — In probability theory and statistics, partial correlation measures the degree of association between two random variables, with the effect of a set of controlling random variables removed. Contents 1 Formal definition 2 Computation 2.1 Using… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual total correlation — In information theory, dual total correlation (Han 1978) or excess entropy (Olbrich 2008) is one of the two known non negative generalizations of mutual information. While total correlation is bounded by the sum entropies of the n elements, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Total correlation — In probability theory and in particular in information theory, total correlation (Watanabe 1960) is one of several generalizations of the mutual information. It is also known as the multivariate constraint (Garner 1962) or multiinformation… …   Wikipedia

  • Covariance and correlation — Main articles: covariance, correlation. In probability theory and statistics, the mathematical descriptions of covariance and correlation are very similar.[1][2] Both describe the degree of similarity between two random variables or sets of… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic correlation — refers to the interaction between electrons in a quantum system whose electronic structure is being considered. The term correlation stems from mathematical statistics and means that two distribution functions, f and g , are not independent of… …   Wikipedia

  • Liaison 16 — La Liaison 16 (L16) est un standard de liaison de données tactiques de l OTAN pour l échange d informations tactiques entre des unités militaires. Le contenu de sa messagerie et le protocole d émission sont définis par le STANAG[acro 1] 5516 pour …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Groupe de participation — Liaison 16 La Liaison 16 (L16) est un standard de liaison de donnée de l OTAN pour l échange d informations tactiques entre des unités militaires. Elle est définie par le STANAG 5516. Sa mise en œuvre opérationnelle est définie dans le document… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Les plates-formes C2 — Liaison 16 La Liaison 16 (L16) est un standard de liaison de donnée de l OTAN pour l échange d informations tactiques entre des unités militaires. Elle est définie par le STANAG 5516. Sa mise en œuvre opérationnelle est définie dans le document… …   Wikipédia en Français

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