joint bar

joint bar
2) ж.-д. рельсовая накладка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "joint bar" в других словарях:

  • joint bar — one of a pair of bars used to join two rails longitudinally. * * * …   Universalium

  • joint bar — noun : a steel member embodying beam strength and stiffness by its structural shape and material and commonly used in pairs to splice rail ends together * * * one of a pair of bars used to join two rails longitudinally …   Useful english dictionary

  • joint — [joint] n. [OFr < L junctus, pp. of jungere, to join, YOKE] 1. a place or part where two things or parts are joined 2. the way in which two things are joined at such a part 3. one of the parts or sections of a jointed whole 4. a large cut of… …   English World dictionary

  • Bar None (nightclub) — Bar None is a chain of bar/nightclubs located throughout the United States. The original location, Bar None NYC, a dive bar located in New York City, still exists. It has been a popular meeting place for East Village locals and New York… …   Wikipedia

  • Joint Venture Hotel Jingdezhen (Jingdezhen) — Joint Venture Hotel Jingdezhen country: China, city: Jingdezhen (City Centre) Joint Venture Hotel Jingdezhen Location Conveniently located at the city centre, the Joint Venture Hotel is 10 kilometres from the airport and 3 kilometres from the… …   International hotels

  • joint — [adj] shared, combined collective, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, conjunct, consolidated, cooperative, hand in hand, intermutual, joined, mutual, public, united; concepts 577,708 Ant. disjoint, separate, single, uncombined, unshared  … …   New thesaurus

  • bar|ly — bar|ley1 «BAHR lee», noun. 1. the seed or grain of a cereal grass that has compact spikes of flowers. Each spike has from one to three smaller spikes at each joint. Barley grows in cool climates and is used for food and for making malt. 2. the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bar|ley — bar|ley1 «BAHR lee», noun. 1. the seed or grain of a cereal grass that has compact spikes of flowers. Each spike has from one to three smaller spikes at each joint. Barley grows in cool climates and is used for food and for making malt. 2. the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bar (establishment) — A bar in Switzerland. A bar is a business establishment that serves alcoholic drinks beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails for consumption on the premises.[1] Bars provide stools or chairs that are place …   Wikipedia

  • joint — joint1 [ dʒɔınt ] adjective only before noun *** involving two or more people or done by them together: The two presidents issued a joint statement. a joint decision a joint bank account My sister and I had a joint birthday party. joint favorite …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • joint — 1. noun 1) cracks in the joint Syn: juncture, junction, join, intersection, confluence, nexus, link, linkage, connection; weld, seam; Anatomy commissure 2) the hip joint Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

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