- job step
шаг задания; этап задания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Job Safety Analysis — is one of the safety management tools that can be used to define and control the hazards associated with a a certain process, job or procedure. Job Safety Analysis is a term used interchangeably with Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment. The… … Wikipedia
Job Control Language — (JCL) is a scripting language used on IBM mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a subsystem. The term Job Control Language can also be used generically to refer to all languages which perform these… … Wikipedia
Job Control Language — (Language de Contrôle des Tâches), couramment appelé JCL désigne certains langages de scripts, en particulier sur les systèmes d exploitation mainframe d IBM, dont le rôle est d exécuter un batch. Il existe deux langages JCL d IBM, l un utilisé… … Wikipédia en Français
step into the breach — To take the place of someone who is absent, esp in a crisis • • • Main Entry: ↑breach * * * step into the breach often humorous phrase to help someone, or to do someone’s job for them when they are unable to do it Helen has offered to step into… … Useful english dictionary
Step Up (film) — Step Up Theatrical release poster Directed by Anne Fletcher Mico Heltborg Produced by Jenn … Wikipedia
step*/*/*/ — [step] noun [C] I 1) a movement made by putting one foot in front of the other, or the sound that your feet make while you are walking I could hear the steps coming closer.[/ex] The postbox is just a few steps from my front door.[/ex] Tom took a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Job enlargement — means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities. This contradicts the principles of specialisation and the division of labour whereby work is divided into small units, each of which is… … Wikipedia
step into — step in or step into 1. To enter easily or unexpectedly 2. To intervene (in) • • • Main Entry: ↑step * * * step into [phrasal verb] step into (something) : to take a particular role or do a particular task She stepped into the role/position of… … Useful english dictionary
step aside/down — [phrasal verb] : to leave a job or official position He stepped down [=resigned] as president. She ll step aside after her replacement is appointed. • • • Main Entry: ↑step … Useful english dictionary
step into someone's shoes — step into (someone s) shoes to take the job or position that someone else had before you. When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. It will take a very special person to fill Barbara s shoes … New idioms dictionary
step into shoes — step into (someone s) shoes to take the job or position that someone else had before you. When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. It will take a very special person to fill Barbara s shoes … New idioms dictionary