jet section

jet section
шприцевальная секция (бутылкомоечной машины)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "jet section" в других словарях:

  • section — [ sɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1564; « action de couper » 1380; « scission » 1366; lat. sectio I ♦ 1 ♦ Math. Figure engendrée par l intersection de deux autres. Section plane d un volume : figure constituée par l intersection de ce plan et de ce volume.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jet City Improv — is a Short Form Improvisation troupe that performs in the Seattle, Washington area. [Dizon, Kristin. (February 13, 2003) Seattle Post Intelligencer Jet city improve is up to its tricks with really bad pix. Section: Life and Arts; page E1.] The… …   Wikipedia

  • Jet coupant — ● Jet coupant jet d eau de faible section, à très forte pression (de l ordre de 4 000 bars), utilisé pour le découpage de matériaux divers …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jet (mathématiques) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jet. En mathématiques, un jet est une opération qui, en chaque point de son domaine, associe à une fonction différentiable f un polynôme : la série de Taylor de f tronquée. Bien que ceci soit la définition d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jet (mathematics) — In mathematics, the jet is an operation which takes a differentiable function f and produces a polynomial, the truncated Taylor polynomial of f , at each point of its domain. Although this is the definition of a jet, the theory of jets regards… …   Wikipedia

  • jet — 1. jet [ ʒɛ ] n. m. • XIIe; de jeter I ♦ 1 ♦ Action de jeter; mouvement d une chose lancée parcourant une certaine trajectoire. ⇒ 2. lancer. Jets de pierres. Armes de jet : traits, ou armes permettant de lancer des traits. Mar. Jet à la mer :… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jet engine — For a general overview of aircraft engines, see Aircraft engine. A Pratt Whitney F100 turbofan engine for the …   Wikipedia

  • Jet bundle — In differential geometry, the jet bundle is a certain construction which makes a new smooth fiber bundle out of a given smooth fiber bundle. It makes it possible to write differential equations on sections of a fiber bundle in an invariant… …   Wikipedia

  • Jet (particle physics) — A jet is a narrow cone of hadrons and other particles produced by the hadronization of a quark or gluon in a particle physics or heavy ion experiment. Because of QCD confinement, particles carrying a color charge, such as quarks, cannot exist in… …   Wikipedia

  • jet engine — an engine, as an aircraft engine, that produces forward motion by the rearward exhaust of a jet of fluid or heated air and gases. Also called jet, jet motor. [1940 45] * * * Any of a class of internal combustion engines that propel aircraft by… …   Universalium

  • Jet injector — or from a built in gas cartridge or small cylinder. Some are multi shot, and some are one shot. They are made in various shapes, as the links to images below show.They are used by diabetics to inject insulin as an alternative to needle syringes,… …   Wikipedia

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