- isopleth
1) изоплета2) изолиния
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
isopleth — [ī′sō pleth΄, īsəpleth΄] n. [< Gr isoplēthēs, equal in number or quantity < isos, equal + plēthos, number, quantity] the line connecting points on a graph or map that have equal or corresponding values with regard to certain variables … English World dictionary
isopleth — izopleta statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Kreivė, jungianti taškus, kuriuose dviejų kintamųjų funkcija turi tą pačią skaitinę vertę. atitikmenys: angl. isopleth rus. изоплета … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
isopleth — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary is + Greek plēthos quantity; akin to Greek plēthein to be full more at full Date: 1908 1. an isoline on a graph showing the occurrence or frequency of a phenomenon as a function of two variables … New Collegiate Dictionary
isopleth — a map or graph line connecting all points of the same numerical value. Commonly used in determining yield per recruit. Also called isorithm … Dictionary of ichthyology
isopleth — /uy seuh pleth /, n. a line drawn on a map through all points having the same numerical value, as of a population figure or geographic measurement. Also called isarithm. [1905 10; < Gk isoplethés equal in number, equiv. to iso ISO + plêth(os) a… … Universalium
isopleth — noun a) A line drawn on a map through all points having the same value of some measurable quantity. b) thermodynamics A line in a phase diagram indicating the same mole fraction. See Also: isobar, isochore … Wiktionary
isopleth — A line on a Cartesian nomogram consisting of all points that represent a particular value of a variable; e.g., an isobar is an i. for a particular pressure … Medical dictionary
isopleth — A line of equal distance from the point of outflow of a basin [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
isopleth — line connecting points of equal aspect of climate Contour Lines … Phrontistery dictionary
isopleth — On a chart or a graph, a line of constant value of a given quantity with respect to either space or time. Also called an isogram … Aviation dictionary
isopleth — [ ʌɪsə(ʊ)plɛθ] noun Meteorology a line on a map connecting points having equal incidence of a specified feature. Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk isoplēthēs equal in quantity , from Gk isos equal + plēthos multitude, quantity … English new terms dictionary