Смотреть что такое "isolate" в других словарях:
isolate — i‧so‧late [ˈaɪsəleɪt] verb [transitive] 1. to prevent a country or company from getting support or business from other countries or companies, so that it becomes weaker: • Efforts to isolate North Korea financially through targeted measures… … Financial and business terms
Isolate — may refer to:* Isolate (album), the second full length studio album by Circus Maximus * Isolate (computation), an isolated computation in the Java Application Isolation API * Isolate (monkey), an isolated monkey in the pit of despair * Isolate… … Wikipedia
Isolate — I so*late ([imac] s[ o]*l[=a]t or [imac]s [ o]*l[=a]t; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Isolated} ([imac] s[ o]*l[=a] t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Isolating} ([imac] s[ o]*l[=a] t[i^]ng).] [It. isolato, p. p. of isolare to isolate, fr. isola island, L.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Isolate — Records ist ein Plattenlabel für Elektronische Musik mit Sitz in Berkeley, Kalifornien. Es wurde 1995 von Wai Cheng gegründet. Isolate hat ein Sublabel namens Dyslexic Response, das sich auf das Musikgenre Noise konzentriert. Zu den bekanntesten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
isolate — isolate, segregate, seclude, insulate, sequester are comparable when they mean to separate from the usual or natural environment, but they are rarely interchangeable because their other and differentiating implications are often stressed. Isolate … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Isolate — I so*late ([imac] s[ o]*l[asl]t or [imac]s [ o]*l[=a]t ), n. Something that has been isolated; as, an isolate of a powerful antibiotic from a tropical plant; an isolate of tuberculosis bacillus from an infected patient. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isolate — (v.) by 1786, a new formation from ISOLATED (Cf. isolated) (q.v.). The translation of this work is well performed, excepting that fault from which few translations are wholly exempt, and which is daily tending to corrupt our language, the… … Etymology dictionary
isolate — [ī′sə lāt΄; ] for n., usually [, ī səlitlit] vt. isolated, isolating [back form. < isolated < It isolato, pp. of isolare, to isolate < isola < L insula, island: see ISLE] 1. to set apart from others; place alone 2. Chem. to separate… … English World dictionary
isolate — I verb banish, blacklist, confine, cut off, detach, disconnect, disengage, disjoin, dislocate, dissever, dissociate, disunite, enisle, exclude, excommunicate, exile, insulate, island, keep apart, keep from contact with others, keep in solitude,… … Law dictionary
isolate — [v] cut off, set apart abstract, block off, close off, confine, detach, disconnect, disengage, divide, divorce, insulate, island, keep apart, part, quarantine, remove, seclude, segregate, separate, sequester, sever, sunder; concepts 188,201 Ant.… … New thesaurus
isolate — ► VERB 1) place apart or alone; cut off. 2) Chemistry & Biology obtain or extract (a compound, micro organism, etc.) in a pure form. 3) cut off the electrical or other connection to (something). ► NOUN ▪ a person or thing that has become isolated … English terms dictionary