
1) железо, Fe
2) техническое железо
3) чугун
4) сердечник (электромагнита или трансформатора)
5) мн. ч. железные изделия
6) править (прокат)
7) паяльник
8) утюг
9) струг; скобель
10) железко, резец (рубанка)
11) аппарат для термосклеивания, аппарат для термосваривания (плёночных упаковок)
acid-Bessemer pig iron
acid-resistant cast iron
alloyed cast iron
alloy cast iron
alpha iron
annealed sheet iron
armco iron
back iron
backing iron
band iron
bar iron
bark iron
basic Bessemer pig iron
basic pig iron
bearing cast iron
Bessemer pig iron
beta-iron iron
black iron
black sheet iron
black-heart malleable iron
blast-broken iron
bloomery iron
blowing iron
box iron
branding iron
break iron
bundle iron
bunting iron
calker's iron
carbonyl iron
case-hardened cast iron
cast iron
charcoal pig iron
chilled cast iron
cinder-dump iron
climbing irons
coke iron
coke pig iron
cold pig iron
cold-short iron
commercial iron
commercially pure iron
compacted vermicular graphite cast iron
corbeling iron
corrugated iron
cupola malleable iron
cutting iron
delta iron
dog iron
double-T iron
dressing iron
drop-broken iron
dry iron
electric iron
electric soldering iron
electrical pig iron
electrolytic iron
enameling iron
equal-angle iron
eutectic cast iron
ferric iron
ferritic malleable iron
flake graphite iron
flakish graphite cast iron
flat iron
flattening iron
foundry pig iron
foundry iron
galvanized iron
gamma iron
gathering iron
grab iron
gray cast iron
grooving iron
grozing iron
gun iron
hack iron
hatchet iron
heat-resistant cast iron
high-duty cast iron
hip iron
hoop iron
hydrogen-purified iron
hypereutectic cast iron
hypoeutectic cast iron
ingot iron
inoculated cast iron
ladle-button irons
ladle-treated iron
laminated sheet iron
lightly mottled gray pig iron
lightly mottled pig iron
low-expansion cast iron
low-manganese iron
low-phosphorus iron
malleable cast iron
manganese iron
metallic iron
mirror iron
muck iron
natural alloy iron
Ni-resist cast iron
Ni-tensile iron
open-grained cast iron
open-hearth pig iron
pearlitic malleable iron
phosphoric iron
pig iron
planting iron
press iron
reclaimed iron
rig irons
roll-foundry iron
roofing iron
scrap iron
scribing iron
sheet iron
short-cycle malleable iron
shot iron
silicon iron
slag iron
sluggish iron
soldering iron
sow iron
spherulitic iron
spiegel iron
sponge iron
steely iron
sticking-up iron
synthetic iron
tapping iron
Thomas pig iron
Thomas iron
transformer iron
tree iron
ungraded iron
waste iron
wedge-shaped iron
white pig iron
white iron
zone-purified iron

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "iron" в других словарях:

  • iron(II) — iron(II) …   English syllables

  • Iron — I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), a. [AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen. See {Iron}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar, dust. [1913 Webster] 2. Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness. [1913 Webster] 3. Like iron in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Iron — I ron ([imac] [u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [=i]ren, [=i]sen, [=i]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [=i]sarn, OHG. [=i]sarn, [=i]san, G. eisen, Icel. [=i]sarn, j[=a]rn, Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W. haiarn, Armor. houarn.] [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • iron — [ī′ərn] n. [ME iren < OE (chiefly poetic & prob. dissimilated), var. of isern, isen akin to Goth eisarn) < Gmc * īsarna, akin to early Celt * isarno, prob. via Illyrian * eisarno < IE base * eis , to move vigorously; strong, holy (>… …   English World dictionary

  • Iron — bezeichnet eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Aisne, siehe: Iron (Aisne) einen Fluss in Frankreich, Nebenfluss des Noirrieu, siehe: Iron (Fluss) ein Album der finnischen Band Ensiferum, siehe: Iron (Album) SRWare Iron, einen Webbrowser… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • IRON —    Iron ore deposits occur in Anatolia and northwest Iran. The metalwas probably first worked as a by product of coppersmelting, and rare small iron objects have been found in Mesopotamian graves since the fourth millennium B.C. Iron was worked… …   Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia

  • iron — ► NOUN 1) a strong, hard magnetic silvery grey metal, used in construction and manufacturing. 2) a tool or implement made of iron. 3) a hand held implement with a flat heated steel base, used to smooth clothes and linen. 4) a golf club used for… …   English terms dictionary

  • Iron — I ron, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ironed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ironing}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially, to smooth, as cloth, with a heated flatiron; sometimes used with out. [1913 Webster] 2. To shackle with irons; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Iron-on — Iron ons are images that can be imprinted on fabric. They are frequently used to print onto T shirts.On one side is paper, and on the other is the image that will be transferred in reverse. After placing it on the fabric and either running over… …   Wikipedia

  • iron-on — (adj.) 1959, from IRON (Cf. iron) (v.) + ON (Cf. on) …   Etymology dictionary

  • iron — [adj] hard, tough; inflexible adamant, adamantine, cruel, dense, ferric, ferrous, firm, heavy, immovable, implacable, indomitable, inexorable, insensible, obdurate, relentless, rigid, robust, steel, steely, strong, stubborn, thick, unbending,… …   New thesaurus

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